![]() TM 10-3930-673-34
c. Installation.
Connect all electrical leads as tagged during removal.
Secure rear wire harness section (30) with eight cable clamps (17), six nuts (11), six
lockwashers (12), four lockwashers (13), and two flat washers (16). Install grommet (27).
Insert r.h. adjustable light wire terminal (29) through cab wall. Connect terminal (29) to
r.h. adjustable light.
Connect remaining six terminals (29) to devices indicated.
Connect connectors (22, 23, 24 and 25) to original locations. Install cable clamps (19, 20,
and 21).
Install two grommets (26) and grommet (27) to front harness section (28).
Connect eleven connectors (9), thirty-four connectors (8), six connectors (7),
connectors (6), twenty-seven connectors (5), and eighteen connectors (4) to devices
Secure leads to heater stud with flatwasher (16), new lockwasher (15) and nut (14).
Secure leads to two ground studs under instrument panel with nuts (11),
lockwashers (13), flatwashers (16), and lockwashers (18).
Connect forty-four female connectors (2) to male connectors (1).
(10) Insert l.h. adjustable light connector (2) through hole in cab wall and plug into l.h.
adjustable light. Install grommet (26) and four cable clamps (17).
Follow-on Maintenance: Connect negative battery cable (TM10-3930-660-20).
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