![]() TM 10-3930-673-34
Remove screw (34), washer (35), insulated screw (36), and capacitor (37) from rectifier bridge assembly
Remove screw (38), washer (39), and rectifier bridge assembly (21) from rear frame (7).
Remove insulated screw (40), screw (41), washer (42), and brush holder assembly (29) from rear frame (7).
Remove screw (43), washer (44), and regulator (20) from rear frame (7).
If roller bearing is not being removed, apply pressure sensitive tape over it for protection against dirt.
Do not use friction tape or other tape that will leave a residue behind.
Using a suitable press, remove roller bearing (45) and cap (46) from rear frame (7).
Remove two brushes (47), and two springs (48) from brush holder assembly (29).
Using a suitable press, remove bushing (49) from rear frame (7).
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