![]() TM 10-3930-673-10
k. Other Publications.
Code of Federal Regulation, Title 49-Transportation Parts, 107-179 and Title 46-Shipping, Part 146
Available from: Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Offices
Washington, DC 20402
Association of American Railroads, Rules of Governing the Loading of Commodities on Open-Top Cars and Trailers
Section No. 1-General rules
Section No. 2-Rules Governing the Loading of Department of Defense Materiel on Open-Top Cars
Available from: Association of American Railroads
50 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-1564
4th Transportation Command Pamphlet 55-2, Tiedown Guide of Rail Movement
Available from: 1st Transportation Movement Control Agency
APO New York 09451-4000
The loading restraint factors (LRF) used for surface and air modes are the "G" (acceleration of gravity) loading factors that can
be expected in military transport. The tiedown arrangements shown in the figures are based on the following:
-restraint factors are applied independently in each direction
-restraint load (GVW times the LRF) was resolved into resultant lashing loads, allowing for tiedown angle
-lashing loads are less safe than safe working load (SWL) of the restraint (that is, chain)
The Transportation Engineering Agency highway LRFs are:
-0.7 in the forward direction (relative to the transporter)
-0.3 in the aft and vertical directions
-0.1 in the lateral direction
The Association of American Railroads recommended rail LRFs are:
-3.0 in the longitudinal direction (relative to the railcar)
-2.0 in the lateral and vertical directions
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