TM 10-3930-671-24 12 Remove   fastener   bolts   and   lift   off   the   valve control lever mounting bracket assembly. 13. Loosen   and   remove   valve   mounting   fasteners from rear side of mounting plate. 14. Remove valve assembly from truck. Note Be sure to clean up any oil spills and dry the floor to prevent accidents. Main Hydraulic Valve Installation Install valve by reversing procedures of removal. 1. Position  the  main  valve  on  the  valve  mounting plate.        Install    valve    mounting    fasteners    and tighten to the correct torque. 2. Install  the  hydraulic  lines  on  the  proper  ports. Make  sure  all  lines  are  routed  correctly  in  the truck and are not kinked, as applicable. 3. Install  valve  control  lever  mounting  bracket  on top  of  valve,  control  levers  and  pins,  pivot  pin and retainer clip, and top plate. 4. Install the valve cover over valve and tighten the fasteners. 5. Start    and    operate    the    truck    and    hydraulic system.  Check the system for leaks. 6. Check  the  operation  of  the  valve  and  hydraulic system by moving the valve control levers to the various positions. 7. Check    the    relief    valve    setting,    if    valve    was disassembled or overhauled. Refer to Section 10.2, Hydraulic System Relief Pressure Check & Adjustment. F-462

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