TM 10-3930-671-24 Manual Bleeding Method -Inching Circuit Alternate method if pressure bleeder is not available. NOTE This  method  may  have  to  be  repeated several times. 1. Bleed down brake pedal and block the pedal, as follows: a) Push   (depress)   brake   pedal   down   as   a brake   bleeder   screw   is   opened   at   the wheel brake. b) When    pedal    is    fully    depressed,    close bleeder screw and block pedal  in  the  fully down position. 2. Depress   inching   pedal   while   cracking   bleeder screw at inching actuator on transmission control valve, as follows: a) While     pushing     on     the     inching     pedal, loosen   the   bleeder   screw   in   the   inching slave  cylinder  housing  on  the  transaxle  to allow a slight flow of fluid to be forced out of the bleeder screw. b) Tighten   bleeder   screw   as   inching   pedal stops     moving     downwards     and     before releasing the inching pedal. 3. Repeat   above   procedure   once.      Tighten   the bleeder screw. 4. Remove  brake  pedal  block  and  check  if  truck inches correctly. 5. Test the brake and inching pedal action. 6. If necessary, repeat the brake and inching circuit bleeding procedures until pedal action and feel is correct. 7. When     the     brake     and     inching     bleeding     is completed satisfactorily: a) Apply parking brake. b) Remove  bleed  drain  lines  (as  applicable) and tighten bleeder screws. c) Check   and   fill   brake   fluid   reservoir   with recommended hydraulic brake fluid. NOTE If   air   entrapment   remains   a    problem after  bleeding  inching  system  as  noted above. Refer   to   Section   8.4,   Brake   System-Type   2,   Inching Troubleshooting Guide, Item 1, Air in lines. Figure 3.  Brake & Inching Circuit Installation, with View of Inching Actuator F-399 (F-400 blank)

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