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TM 10-3930-671-24
8.4. Brake & Inching System
Type 2 Dual Master Cylinders
Brake Pedal & Linkage................................................................................ F-386
Hydraulic Brake & Inching Lines ................................................................. F-387
Inching Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................... F-388
Brake & Inching Pedal Adjustment.............................................................. F-390
Service Brake Adjustment ........................................................................... F-392
Parking Brake Linkage ................................................................................ F-394
This section outlines information for service maintenance
of the brake and inching system for GPX25 E truck
Care must be taken when servicing to be sure to use the
correct fluid, as noted.
Refer to Section 2.1, Service Specifications.
Service Brakes
The service brakes are mounted externally on the drive
axle and may be accessed for servicing by removing the
axle shaft, drive wheel hub and brake drum assembly.
Refer to Section 7.6, TA 18 Transaxle.
Inching Control System
With Type 2 dual (2) master cylinder system, hydraulic
inching is incorporated into only the left-hand pedal, as
noted above.