TM 10-3930-671-24 STEP 4 Withdraw the throttle shaft assembly and throttle shaft   lever   from   the   shutoff   lever   assembly   (Figure 3.4).To aid in correct reassembly, note the position of the throttle shaft lever key in relationship to the groove of the throttle shaft assembly. FIGURE 3.4 STEP 5 Loosen the guide stud (Figure 3.5a). FIGURE 3.5a While   holding   the   governor   spring   firmly   between   the thumb  and  forefinger,  withdraw  guide  stud  and  lift  out governor spring and components (Figure 3.5b). FIGURE 3.5B. STEP 6 While depressing the metering valve assembly, raise   the   governor   linkage   hook   assembly   from   the metering valve arm pin. While holding the governor arm forward, pull the linkage hook back slightly to disengage it  from  the  governor  arm  (Figure  3.6).  Place  it  over  the side of the housing. Do not disengage the linkage spring. FIGURE 3.6. STEP  7  Remove  the  metering  valve  assembly  (Figure 3.7). FIGURE 3.7 STEP    8    Loosen    and    remove    the    vent    wire    screw assembly using the socket head wrench (Figure 3.8). FIGURE 3.8 F-224

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