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TM 10-3930-671-24
Study the manual first. Before commencing disassembly
of the pump, cover inlet and outlet holes, remove all
external grease and dirt by washing the unit with diesel
fuel and blowing it off with filtered compressed air. It
must be constantly kept in mind that dirt, dust and
foreign matter are the greatest enemies of the fuel
injection pump. As an added precaution to prevent dirt
from entering the fuel system while servicing the pump, it
is essential that a clean work space, clean tools and
clean hands be used.
All seals and gaskets should be discarded during
disassembly. A clean pan should be available in
which the parts may be placed during disassembly,
and a pan of clean diesel fuel or calibrating oil must
be available in which the parts may be flushed. It is
recommended that these be deep pans with rounded
comers to lessen the chances of dirt pockets.
STEP 1 Remove the pilot tube seal (Figure 3.1).
STEP 2 Mount the pump in a holding fixture. Always use
a fixture to avoid pump sliding out and becoming
damaged, never clamp the pump in a vise. Remove all
lead plumb sealing wires. Unscrew the three cover
holddown screws (Figure 3.2a).
Remove the governor control cover and cover gasket
(Figure 3.2b).
STEP 3 Remove the shutoff cam by rotating the shutoff
lever to the wide open throttle (WOT) position. Place
shutoff cam remover, with tab beneath the shorter leg
FIGURE 3.2a.
FIGURE 3.2b.
of the shutoff cam, on the shutoff shaft and pry gently,
sliding the cam off the shaft assembly (Figure 3.3).
Discard the shutoff cam.
Do not reuse this shutoff cam, use new cam.