TM 10-3930-669-20 (4) Remove  two  screws  (11),  washers  (12), and  support  bracket  (13)  from  engine  oil breather (3). (5) Remove   engine   oil   breather   pipe   (14) from engine oil breather (3). (6) Remove    two    preformed    packings    (15) from     engine     oil     breather     pipe     (14). Discard preformed packings. b. Installation. (1) Install   two   preformed   packings   (15)   on engine oil breater pipe (14). (2) Install   engine   oil   breather   pipe   (14)   in engine oil breather (3). (3) Install  support  bracket  (13)  on  engine  oil breather   (3)   with   two   washers   (12)   and screws (11). (4) Install engine oil breather assembly (9) on engine   (10)   with   washer   (8),   screw   (7), washer (6), and screw (5). (5) Install two clamps (1) on oil breather hose (2). (6) Install   breather   hose   (2)   on   engine   oil breather   (3)   and   tube   (4)   and   tighten clamps (1). NOTE Follow-on Maintenance: Install air cleaner (Para 4-4). Install  left  rear  engine  access  cover  (Para  15- 10). Install cab (Para 15-2). Remove wheel chocks (TM 10-3930-669-10). END OF TASK 3-31

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