TM10-3930-660-20 Always Follow The Following Rules When Using the GO-Chain Test Sequence: 1. Always start at GO1. Never enter the middle of a GO or NO-GO testing sequence unless directed by the flow chart. 2. Follow each instruction in a GO-Chain Test Sequence. DO not skip any instructions or procedures. 3. If a particular test is failed in a GO-Chain test sequence, proceed to the indicated NO-GO-Chain test sequence or to a higher level of maintenance. 4. After correcting a vehicle problem, repeat the testing beginning at GO1. 5. Each GO Chain testing sequence depends upon the completion of the previous test. Do not skip any tests. Use the GO, NO-GO flowcharts for testing. As you become more familiar with the test procedures, you can use the Vehicle Test Cards as your sole reference. The flip cards on the VTM can also be used as you become familiar with the vehicle and STE/ICE equipment. Prior to testing, make the following pre-test inspections: l Check l Check l Check l Check l Check level l Check fan belts for proper tension. Replace cracked or frayed belts. for proper  engine  oil  level.  Add  oil  as  necessary. that the fuel tank has enough fuel for testing. for proper engine coolant level. Add coolant as necessary. that the battery is in good condition. Check for low electrolyte and add distilled water as required. that emergency steering pump is turned off when required by test. VEHICLE DIAGNOSTIC CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY (DCA) The DCA connector of the vehicle is located on the panel to the right of the vehicle operator. Refer to the figure below for vehicle DCA location. 2-53

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