TM 10-3930-659-34 5-5. CAMSHAFT REPLACEMENT. This Task Covers: a. Removal c. Installation b. Cleaning and Inspection Initial Setup: Equipment Conditions: Materials/Parts: · Fuel transfer pump removed (see TM 10-3930- · Lubricating oil (Item 38, Appendix B) 659-20). · Rags (Item 43, Appendix B) · Engine rocker arm assembly and pushrods removed · Dry cleaning solvent (Item 47, Appendix B) (see paragraph 4-12). · Engine front cover removed (see paragraph 4-14). Personnel Required: Two · Tappets removed (see paragraph 4-13). References: Tools/Test Equipment: · TM 10-3930-659-20 · General mechanic’s tool kit (Item 71, Appendix E) · Inside caliper micrometer (Item 8, Appendix E) General Safety Instructions: · Outside caliper micrometer (Item 9, Appendix E) · Flywheel turning tool (Item 25, Appendix E) · Dry cleaning solvent is flammable and must not be · Feeler gage (Item 28, Appendix E) used near open flame.  Use only in a well-ventilated area. · Arbor press (Item 47, Appendix E) · Gear timing tool (Item 70, Appendix E) · Torque wrench, 0-175 Ib.-ft.  (Item 81, Appendix E) a.           REMOVAL 1. Remove plug (2) from engine (1). 5-46

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