TM 10-3930-659-20 5-1. CYLINDER HEAD VALVES ADJUSTMENT (Con't). 7. With  No.    1  piston  at  TDC,  measure  clearance with feeler gage (13) and turn screws (12) until 0.014 in. (0.36 mm) clearance Is obtained on in take  (I)  valves  1,2,  and  4  and  0.018  In.    (0.46 mm clearance is obtained on exhaust (E) valves 1, 3 and 5. 8. Repeat  step  6  and  rotate  crankshaft  360  0  to place No. 6 piston at TDC. 9. With  No.  6  piston  at  TDC,  measure  clearance with feeler gage (13) and turn screws (12) until 0.014  in.  (0.36  mm)  clearance  is  obtained  on intake (I) valves 6,5, and 3 and 0.018 in.  (0.46 mm clearance is obtained on exhaust (E) valves 6, 4 and 2. COOLING FAN TA706845 5-4

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