![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
a. The basic policies and procedures in AR 710-2 and AR 725-50 are generally ap plicable to repair parts
management for Material Handling Equipment (MHE) items.
b. Manufacturer's parts manuals are furnished with MHE items instead of Department of the Army Repair
Parts and Special Tool List (RPSTL).
c. National Stock Numbers (NSNs) are initially assigned only to PLL/ASL parts and major assemblies; i.e.,
engines, transmissions, etc. Additional NSNs are assigned by the supply support activities as demands warrant.
d. Automated Processing (AUTODIN) of Federal Supply Code Manufacturer (FSCM) part number requisitions,
without edit for matching NSNs, is authorized. The FSCM for the Allis-Chalmers Company is 30612.
e. Weapon System Designator Codes on part requisitions are not required.
f. Repair parts are available from commercial sources and may be purchased locally IAW AR 710-2 and AR
g. Initial Prescribed Load List (PLL) and Authorized Stockage List (ASL) will be distributed by Tank-
Automotive Command (TACOM), DRSTA-FHM.
PRESCRIBED LOAD LIST (PLL): The PLL distributed by TACOM is an estimated 15 days supply recommended
for initial stockage at organizational maintenance. Management of PLL items will be governed by the provisioning
of AR 710-2 and local command procedures. A prepared list of PLL parts will-be provided to OCONUS units
before shipment of the end item.
Selection of PLL parts for shipment to OCONUS units is based upon the
receiving command's recommendations
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