![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
each spool and assemble the levers, fulcrum rod
a. Gain access to the control valve; actual
and "E" washers.
location varies between truck models.
b. Some adapters have a plug in them where
a pressure gauge can be installed. If unit
1. Ensure that all fittings have been replaced and
is not equipped with this type adapter,
properly tightened.
disconnect the hydraulic tube at the inlet
part of the control valve.
2. Place control valve assembly in its relative
mounting location and insert the attaching
c. Install a tee fitting on the end of the
hydraulic tube and connect the tee fitting
to the adapter in the inlet port.
3. Uncap and connect the hydraulic lines as
d. Install a pressure gauge with a 0 to 30 00
psi range in the tee.
4. Reconnect the lever linkages if disconnected.
e. Place shift lever in neutral position, turn
5. After complete reassembly has been assured,
key switch ON and start engine.
run the hydraulic system (i.e., operate the
control, lift control, tilt control and any auxiliary
f. Pull the tilt lever back to retract the lift
functions associated with the hydraulics) for
cylinders and hold lever in this position.
about 5 minutes to eliminate any air present in
The internal construction of the
g. While holding lever, observe the needle
hydraulic reservoir will "bleed-off" any trapped
on the pressure gauge. When pressure
air in the hydraulic oil as it flows through the
reading of 1950 psi is attained, the needle
Recheck the hydraulic oil level
will stop, indicating relief valve opening.
(reservoirs) after operating the hydraulic system
and refill, If necessary.
h. If the relief valve opens below or above
1950 t So psi, it must be adjusted as
1. Linkage
(1) Turn key switch OFF.
Improperly adjusted or out of adjustment linkage
(2) When pressure gauge reads zero, remove
can result in binding or bending of the control
relief valve plug.
valve linkage.
(3) Check relief valve assembly and salve
Ensure that tilt and lift control levers and
spring for damage.
Replace defective
associated linkage travel-freely and smoothly,
through forward and backward movement, of
each lever and that the control valve plungers
(4) Install valve assembly with spring, 0 Ring,
respond accordingly. Adjust, bend, repair,-or
and plug.
replace as necessary.
(5) Repeat Steps e through g.
Be certain that pivot points or other mating
surfaces are free of accumulated sludge and
i. Turn key switch OFF.
remain lightly lubricated to function smoothly.
j. Remove pressure gauge and tee; then
2. Relief Valve Adjustment
install hydraulic tube to control valve
Whenever the control valve or hydraulic pump
has been repaired or replaced, check the relief
valve and adjust to open at specified pressure.
Check and adjust the relief valve (Fig 2-I)
located in the lift section of the control valve as
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