![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
the same bodies from which they were removed.
Valve sections must be reassembled in the
The hydraulic control valve (Fig 2-1) contains two basic
same order.
plunger sections (lift and tilt controls; additional plunger
sections can be added for accessory unit control). Each
1. Remove the four tie studs and nuts and
of the sections may be replaced separately. All parts of
separate the valve sections. Be careful not to
the sections may be replaced individually, except the
destroy or lose spacers.
plunger section housings and their selectively fit
plungers, which must be replaced as units.
2. Remove the two screws which secure the spool
end cap and remove the cap (and switch
The function of the control valve is to direct the flow of
bracket, if used). If the cap has a detent
the hydraulic fluid, under pressure, to the appropriate
assembly, screw out the detent plug and remove
the spring and piston. Remove the O Ring from
the cap.
The control valve contains an adjustable relief valve
which protects the system against damage resulting
3. Slide the spool out of its bore and remove the O
from excessive pressure that builds up when the lift or tilt
Rings from the groove in the spool and from the
cylinders reach full stroke. Excessive pressure can also
valve body around the spool bore. Do not
result from overloads.
The relief valve should be
remove the centering spring, retainers or the
adjusted to unseat at i.950 50 psi.
spool extension unless it is necessary to replace
The control valve requires very little attention with the
exception of keeping the hydraulic lines and hose
4. Grip the stem of the check valve plug with pliers
connections tight.
and pull it out of the valve body. Remove the O
Ring and back-up ring. Remove the spring and
ball from the valve body.
The following procedure is recommended for proper
5. Screw out the plug which retains the relief valve
control valve removal:
and remove the O Ring from the plug. Remove
the spring and the relief valve sub-assembly.
1. Make sure lift is collapsed and that mast is tilted
Remove the solid plug.
all the way forward.
6. Remove the fitting. O Rings and back-up ring.
2. Disconnect control lever linkage if necessary to
gain access for control valve removal. (On
some new model trucks, the handles, linkage,
and mounting bracket can all be removed along
1. Discard all old seals. Wash all parts in a clean
with the control valve.)
mineral oil solvent and place them on a clean
surface for inspection.
3. Disconnect and cap all hydraulic lines.
2. Carefully remove by light lapping. Be certain
there is no paint or burring on mating surfaces of
valve bodies.
Properly tag all lines so that they will
be reconnected to their proper ports.
3. Inspect the valve spools and bores for burrs and
4. Remove the mounting capscrews and control
scoring. If scoring is not deep enough to cause
objectionable leakage, the surfaces can be
polished with crocus cloth.
If scoring is
5. Clean outside of valve with a solvent and dry
excessive, the valve body and spool must be
with compressed air.
replaced. Check the valve spool for freedom of
movement in the bore.
6. Remove all fittings and place control valve in a
suitable work area.
4. Check the relief valve for smooth movement in
its bore. The valve should move from its own
During disassembly, particular attention should be given
to identification of parts for reassembly. Spools are
selectively fitted to valve bodies and must be returned to
Coat all parts with clean hydraulic oil
to facilitate assembly and provide
initial lubrication. Petroleum jelly can
be used to hold seal rings in place on
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