![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
The power steering system converts hydraulic oil
When the steering wheel is turned to the right, oil is
movement into mechanical movement to turn the steer
directed by the steering unit to the forward port in the
wheels with ease. The steer axle assembly with the
steering cylinder. As the hydraulic oil pressure is applied
steer wheels is mounted to the frame and is located at
to the piston, the piston and plunger rod move outward.
the rear of the lift truck. The main components in the
The plunger rod by means of the drag link then pushes
power steering system are the steering valve unit, and
on the pivot arm which rotates on the pivot pin. As the
steering cylinder. The hydraulic oil that is supplied to the
pivot am rotates, the steer wheels move into position for
steering valve unit is directed to one of the steering
a right turn due to the movement of the tie rods.
cylinder ports. As the oil enters the steering cylinder, the
plunger rod begins to extend or retract, depending upon
The movement of the steering system is just the
which port in the cylinder the hydraulic oil is directed. A
opposite when the steering wheel is turned to the left.
short drag link or yoke is installed on the end of the
The hydraulic oil is then directed to the rear port in the
steering cylinder plunger rod and is connected to the
steering cylinder which causes the plunger rod to retract.
steer axle pivot arm. Also connected to the pivot arm
As the plunger rod retracts the drag link pulls on the
are right and left tie rods which in turn are attached to
pivot am and the steer wheels move into position for a
the respective steer wheel spindles.
left turn due to the opposite movement of the tie rods.
8. Lower the jack with the axle on it, and withdraw
the axle from under the vehicle.
1. Remove the floor plate and toe plate.
2. Attach a suitable hoist to the rear of the truck
and raise the track until the drag link and steer
1. Remove the axle mounting housing from steer
axle are accessible. Block the front wheels, and
axle pivot pin.
place blocks under both sides of the frame to
support the rear of the vehicle. Blocks and
2. Remove cotter pins, adjusting plugs, ball seats,
chain must not interfere with removal of steer
and springs from the tie rods, and separate the
tie rods from the pivot arm.
3. Remove steer wheels and wheel bearings.
3. Remove cotter pin and nut from ball socket, and
remove the tie rods from the spindles. Loosen
4. Disconnect drag link from pivot arm by loosening
the nut on the ball socket, and remove the ball
the adjusting plug at the end of the drag link until
socket and nut from the tie roe tubes.
the link can be lifted from the ball stud on the
pivot arm.
4. Remove expansion plugs from king pin bores in
the axle assembly. Drive roll pins from king pins
5. Place a jack under the steer axle assembly and
and spindles, and remove the king pins, needle
raise jack enough to take the stress from the
bearings and spindles from the axle.
axle mounting capscrews and nuts.
5. Type I Steer Axle:
6. Type III Steer Axle Only:
Remove wedge bolt (Fig 3), and washer.
Loosen jam nut and back away adjusting screw
Remove pivot pin, and spacers, and lift pivot
in frame just ahead of the steer axle's front pivot
arm from axle assembly. Remove bushings
pin. (Adjusting screw is used to take up end
from axle.
play between steer axle's front pivot pin and the
Type II and III Steer Axles:
7. Remove
Use a punch to straighten out stake indentation
capscrews that secure the axle to the frame.
in end of nut. Remove nut, washer, seal and
lower cone; lift pivot
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