![]() TM 10-3930-644-14 & P
c. With the charger switch in the "OFF"
g. Clean and dry the battery top.
position (or not connected to the power
line, if it is not equipped with an "ON" and
"OFF" switch):
Before using any type of charger, be
sure to read the manufacturer's
(1) Connect the positive lead of the
charger to the positive post of the
battery. Positive on the charger is
7. Quick-In Vehicle Charging
Indicated by (+) or a red cable or
connector. The positive battery post
Fast-chargers are devices which supply current
is indicated by a (+) or "P".
to the battery at a high charging rate. The
battery is brought up to a high rate of-charge
(2) Connect the negative lead of the
before excessive battery temperatures are
charger to the negative battery post.
reached. Although a battery cannot be brought
Negative on the charger is indicated
up to a fully charged condition during a quick-
by (-) or a black cable or connector,
charge, it can be substantially recharged or
the negative post of the battery is
"boosted." in order to bring the battery to a fully
indicated by a (-), or "N" or no mark
charged condition, the charging cycle must be
at all.
finished by charging at a low or normal rate.
d. Turn on charger and continue the charge
8. Boost Charging for Light Load Test
to the desired point.
Normally, a
hydrometer is used to determine the state
The boost charge for the Light Load Test is
of charge of the battery. For practical
necessary to condition the battery so that it will
purposes, the full charge point of the
be at least 10% to 20' charged when checked.
battery is reached when the hydrometer
Batteries which are in an extreme discharged
reads 1.260. If the maximum charge is
condition may require more than one boost
desired, the charge should be continued
charge in order to condition them for the Light
until three successive readings at hourly
Load Test. Batteries should be boosted at 60-
intervals show no increase in specific
amperes for 30 minutes (60 X 30 = 1800 ampere
minutes). If the charger being used will not give
these rates, charge for an equal number of
The hydrometer does not give an accurate
ampere minutes at best rate available. For
reading of batteries on fast charge. Some
purposes of the Light Load Test, do not boost
fast charges are equipped with a device
battery more than the amount indicated.
that terminates the charge, automatically,
when the battery temperature reaches
9. Charging After Light Load Test
125 the point at which it is essentially
Batteries to be charged after the Light Load Test
fully charged. In the absence of such a
are of the following types.
device, a thermometer should be inserted
in the cell vent and the charge should be
a. Batteries previously requiring a boost
terminated when it reaches 125F.
charge because they were too low to test.
e. Turn the charger "OFF" and disconnect
b. Good batteries with one or more but not
the leads from the battery.
all cell voltages reading less than 1.95
If leads are not disconnected from
If batteries are to be recharged by means
battery, there will be a slight current
of a fast charger, the charge rate must be
drain from the battery through the
tapered (reduced to a safe limit) when the
electrolyte temperature reaches 125F., or
f. Check the electrolyte level, add water as
Failure to do so may harm the battery.
necessary, or return electrolyte removed
prior to charging.
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