![]() TM 10-3930-644-14 & P
b. Check the specific gravity of all cells. If
the specific gravity corrected to 80 F.
shows more than a thirty point (.030) drop
from the initial filling with electrolyte, or if
If the electrolyte is allowed to get below
one or more cells gas violently after
the top of the plates and water is not
addition of electrolyte, the battery should
added, the active materials become
be fully charged before use. Refer to
permanently damaged and can never be
Paragraph 1, this Section pertaining to the
use of a hydrometer.
Check outside of battery for damage or
c. For best performance in cold weather
signs of serious abuse such as broken or
(32F. or less), or if the battery and the
cracked case and cell covers. If it shows
electrolyte are not at 60 F. or above at
signs of serious damage or abuse, it
time of activation, warm the battery by
should be replaced.
boost charging. Refer to Paragraph 8, this
b. Light Load Test This test should be
applied to batteries before they are
4. Safety Precautions
When batteries are being charged, an explosive
Otherwise, defective cells that have been
gas mixture forms beneath the cover of each
charged may pass the test and give a
cell. Part of this gas escapes through the holes
false diagnosis. To check the electrical
in the vent plugs and may form an explosive
condition of battery cells the following
atmosphere around the battery itself if ventilation
procedure is recommended.
is poor. This explosive gas may remain in or
around the battery for several hours after it has
(1) If the electrolyte level is low, adjust it
been charged. Sparks or flames can ignite this
to the proper level by adding water.
gas causing an internal explosion which may
shatter the battery.
(2) Place a 150 ampere load on the
battery for 3 seconds, using a high
The following precautions should be observed to
rate load tester, to remove surface
prevent an explosion.
a. Do not smoke near batteries being
(3) Place a 10 ampere load on the
charged or which have been very recently
battery The load must be placed on
the battery for one minute before
starting the test and then left on
b. Do not break live circuits at the terminals
during the test to allow the
of batteries because a spark usually
discharge current to reduce the cell
occurs at the point where a live circuit is
voltage readings in proportion to the
capacity of the cells.
Care must be taken when connecting or
(4) After one minute, read the individual
disconnecting booster leads or cable clamps
cell voltages of the battery with an
on *fast chargers.
expanded scale voltmeter that has
.01 volt divisions.
5. Battery Test
The difference in voltage readings
The battery condition can be determined by the
between the individual cells can be
interpreted as follows:
a. Visual Inspection.
The time spent in visually inspecting a
battery may save much time and expense
If all cells read 1.95 volts or more
in determining battery condition.
and the difference between the
highest and lowest is less than .05
Check for bad odors which indicate that
volts, the battery is good and is
the battery has been filled with something
other than battery
Figure 1-5).
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