![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
When the engine has obtained normal operating
9. Use a small screwdriver and force throttle shaft
temperature the choke valve must be fully
packing retainer from throttle body. Remove
opened to assure maximum power and
packing and retainer cup.
economy. In addition, extended use of the
choke results in more gasoline being supplied to
10. Remove nozzle plug, power jet, nozzle gasket
the engine than can be burned.
A large
and O-ring and remove nozzle from bottom of
percentage of the unburned gasoline is lost
through the exhaust system. The remainder of
the raw gasoline is forced between the pistons
11. Remove choke valve screws and remove choke
and cylinder walls, washing away the protective
valve from choke shaft. Remove choke shaft.
oil film and increasing engine wear. It then
enters the crankcase where it dilutes the engine
12. Remove screws attaching choke bracket to fuel
bowl neck and remove bracket.
packing from bracket.
Any adjustments that are necessary on the
carburetor should never be attempted until the
engine has obtained its normal operating
temperature and the choke valve has been
1. Inspect float valve for grooved condition and
placed in the wide open position.
damage. If valve is damaged, replace float
valve and float valve seat.
2. Replace idle adjusting needle if grooved or
1. Disconnect choke wire and throttle cable from
Disconnect governor rod from
carburetor. Loosen clamps and disconnect air
3. Replace throttle shaft and lever assembly if
cleaner hose from carburetor.
looseness is noted between shaft and throttle
2. Close fuel shutoff cock at fuel tank. Disconnect
Fuel Inlet line from carburetor.
4. Replace all packings and gaskets.
3. Remove two nuts and lockwashers securing
5. A repair kit is available for the carburetor. It is
carburetor to manifold. Remove carburetor and
recommended that kit parts be installed in place
gasket. Remove studs from carburetor only if
of old parts whenever the carburetor is
1. Install new packing and retainer on throttle shaft
1. Remove drain plug and drain fuel bowl.
and lever assembly. Insert shaft in carburetor
Remove four screws attaching throttle body (Fig.
and tap lightly until retainer is flush with casting
4-6) to fuel bowl.
2. Raise throttle body and separate gasket from
2. Install throttle valve on shaft with identification
fuel bowl flange. Carefully lift throttle body from
mark on valve facing flange face of carburetor.
full bowl, being careful not to damage float
Tap valve lightly to center in throttle bore.
Tighten screws securely.
3. Remove float axle shaft and remove float from
3. Install economizer jet and idle jet.
throttle body.
4. Install idle adjusting needle and spring. T rn
4. Remove float valve from throttle body. Remove
needle all the way in to seat then back off
bowl gasket and venturi.
approximately one turn for preliminary setting.
5. Remove float valve seat and seat gasket.
5. Place a new gasket on float valve seat and
install float valve seat and float valve.
6. Remove economizer jet and idle jet.
6. Place new. throttle body to fuel bowl gasket on
7. Remove idle adjusting needle and spring.
throttle body and install venturi.
8. Remove throttle valve screws, throttle valve and
throttle shaft and lever assembly .
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