![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
3. If removal of fuel sending unit is necessary,
remove capscrews and lockwashers (Figure 1-1)
The fuel tank is of steel construction and welded seams.
that secure sending unit to tank. Carefully lift
It includes a fuel level sender unit, a filler cap with filter
unit out of tank being certain not to bend float
screen and the fuel outlet line and fittings.
The fuel tank requires little, if any, service other than
periodic cleansing of the fuel filter.
1. If removed, carefully install fuel sending unit,
ensuring against any damage to float arm.
1. Remove the fuel tank drain plug from bottom of
2. Install capscrews and lockwashers and secure
tank or open shutoff cock and allow fuel to drain.
tank to frame.
2. Remove the floor and toe plates.
3. Replace the fuel tank drain plug.
3. Raise the left side of the truck sufficiently to
4. Replace fuel filler assembly.
allow removal of the fuel tank.
5. Before Installing tank, disconnect fuel line at fuel
4. Remove hose from top of tank and the fuel
pump and blow out line with compressed air.
gauge sender wire (Fig. 1-1).
6. Inspect cooper fuel line and fuel hose for
5. Disconnect fuel gauge sender wire. Close cock
damaged connectors, crimped line, cracks or oil
at bottom of tank and disconnect tube from
soaked hose. Replace damaged lines.
shutoff cock (Fig. 1-2).
7. install fuel tank as-removed and replace
6. Disconnect fuel gauge sen der wire. Disconnect
capscrews, washers and nut which secure the
hose from fuel strainer and remove strainer from
top and rear of the tank to the truck. Lower truck
tank (Fig. 1-3).
to ground level.
7. Remove the filter cap assembly.
8. Attach fuel sender wire.
8. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers, and
9. Replace previously removed fittings and hose
washers which secure the fuel tank to the truck.
(Fig. 1-1).
9. Carefully remove the fuel tank rom the under
10. Connect tube-to shutoff cock at bottom of tank
side of the truck.
(Fig. 1-2).
11. Connect fuel strainer to elbow in top of tank and
connect hose to strainer (Fig. 1-3).
1. Remove necessary fittings from tank and allow
remainder of fuel to drain.
12. Fill fuel tank to recommended capacity with
proper octane fuel.
2. Clean filler cap and filter screen assembly with
acceptable solvent and dry thoroughly with
13. Check all fittings and lines for any leaks. Repair,
compressed air.
if required.
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