![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
6. Check ammeter. If not functioning correctly,
After installation of new engine, or one in which new
check electrical system for grounds, shorts or
pistons and piston rings have been installed engine must
loose connections.
be run-in to allow piston rings to seat and avoid
possibility of cylinder bore scoring and excessive oil
7. Check engine timing. Refer to FUEL SYSTEM
When engine is first started after
installation of new pistons and piston rings, excessive
smoke, raw fuel and lubricating oil may appear in the
8. After engine has reached normal operating
exhaust. This condition should correct itself as engine is
temperature, remove valve chamber cover and
check valve clearances.
Test run engine after overhaul and make adjustments as
9. A run-in period of six to eight hours is
are found necessary for smooth and efficient engine
recommended. Start with no load and gradually
increase engine load until operating at full load
for the last two hours.
10. At end of run-in gradually slow down engine and
The following procedure is recommended with engine
allow it to idle for a few minutes, allowing engine
installed in truck.
to cool gradually.
11. Torque cylinder head capscrews.
Ensure engine has been cleared of all
12. Recheck crankcase oil level and any points of
rags, tools, parts, oil, water, etc.,
adjustment, making necessary corrections.
prior to engine run-in.
1. Fill crankcase to correct oil level with oil
13. Warm up engine to operating temperature. Blow
specified in Maintenance Module, LUBRICANT
dirt out of pockets around spark plugs, remove
plugs, and insert compression gauge in first
spark plug hole, holding it firmly. Crank engine
2. Fill cooling system with proper coolant for
until the highest gauge reading is obtained.
summer or winter operation. Refer to COOLING
(Approximately four compression strokes).
SYSTEM Section.
Check all cylinders in this manner. If readings
are low in two adjacent cylinders, a blown head
3. Inspect air cleaner to determine if properly
gasket is indicated. If readings are low and vary
serviced. Lubricate all points where lubrication
widely (more than 10 PSI), pressure is being lost
is required.
either at the pistons, rings or valves.
determine where pressure loss is occurring,
4. Start engine and allow to run at approximately
Insert about one tablespoon of SAE 30 engine
600-700 R.P.M. Check for oil, fuel or coolant
oil through the spark plug hole. Take a new
leaks. Check coolant and oil levels. If engine is
reading. If this reading is higher than the initial
run indoors, pipe exhaust gases outside.
reading, the piston rings are faulty. If reading is
the same as the initial reading, the valves may
5. Check oil pressure gauge. If gauge does not
be leaking or the cylinder head gasket is
register during first 30 seconds after starting,
stop engine at once and refer to TROUBLE
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