![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
After proper heating, start the ring gear on the
flywheel so, when installed the chamfered ends of the
1. Flywheel Housing
teeth engage with the drive pinion of the starter
motor. Drive the ring gear down tight against the
Install flywheel housing by sliding housing on studs,
shoulder of the flywheel. Allow the ring gear to cool
making certain mating surfaces of flywheel housing
slowly. DO NOT cool with water.
and cylinder block are clean and smooth. Remove
studs and secure mounting capscrews.
3. Flywheel
Prior to installing a new flywheel, check the timing
Before installing starter motor and transmission, it is
marks on both the old and the new flywheels. Install
good practice to dial indicate housing and check for
correct timing mark or plate on flywheel. The flywheel
housing run-out. Total run-out should never exceed
can be installed in only one position because of the
offset capscrew hole.
2. Ring Gear
When assembled, mount the indicator on the flywheel
so that it contacts the housing face, and turn the
The ring gear is uniformly heated to approximately
crankshaft, at the same time holding against it to
counteract end play. The maximum indicator reading
475F. (Dark yellow heat visible In the dark) so that It
must not exceed .008".
can be shrunk fit on the flywheel which should be at
room temperature. Do not heat ring gear to a bright
Torque as specified in Topic
red, since at that excessive temperature the heat
TOLERANCES, Paragraph D.
treatment given the ring gear at the factory would be
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