![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
Inspect each tappet carefully. A slightly pitted
contact face is acceptable; more than that calls for
Never allow valves to set down
replacement of the tappet. See Figure 4-14.
inside the seat.
After the narrowed-down seat is brought within
Check the tappet outside
diameter with
specifications, the seat should be retouched
micrometers to determine if
replacement is
lightly with the original stone to remove burrs
necessary because of wear.
or feathered edge.
The tappets ride in a tappet bore in the cylinder
block. The tappet bore may be reamed oversize,
"A poor valve grinding job cannot
and oversize tappets installed. Oversize tappets
be corrected by valve lapping."
are available as required.
Coat the valve stem with a light film
of engine oil.
The following specifications apply:
5. Valve Springs
Tappet Outside Diameter..............
Check all valve springs on a spring tester
Bore in Block Diameter .................
(Figure 4-13) to make sure they meet
Total Maximum
specifications regarding weight and length.
Wear Limit .............................
When compressed to the "valve open" or
"valve closed" length, new springs must fall
within specifications. Refer to TOPIC 1. FITS
AND TOLERANCES. Used springs showing
Accurate valve clearance settings materially prolong
more than 10% loss must be replaced.
engine life and aid performance. Excessive clearances are
detrimental to cams and tappets as well as to the rest of
the mechanism. On the other hand, when clearances are
too low, timing is again disturbed, and the possibility of
burned valves becomes much greater.
Valve tappet clearances should be as follows
(See Figure 4-15) :
To adjust tappet clearances proceed as follows
Figure 4-13. Valve Spring Tester
(See Figure 4-16) :
Reassemble the valves and springs in the
1. Disconnect the high tension coil wire to prevent
block with the retainer and retainer lock.
accidental starting of the engine.
6. Valve Tappets
Figure 4-15. Checking Tappet Clearance -
Figure 4-14. Valve Tappet Wear Comparison
Engine at Room Temperature.
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