![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
Turning the switch to the "START" position,
These gauges provide quick response, direct
(which has a spring-loaded return causes
read-out dial indications of engine system
current to flow to the starter solenoid switch to
conditions during engine operation. If any of the
actuate the starter motor. As soon as the
units become inoperative, check the wiring
engine starts and the ignition key is released it
circuit, or determine whether the gauge or the
will automatically return to the "ON" position.
sending unit is defective by replacing with one
The engine will continue to run ii this position
which is known to be good.
until the ignition switch is turned to the "OFF"
The current type ignition switch has a built in
Do not attempt to repair gauges or
Whenever the switch is in "ON"
sending units, but always replace
position, it must be returned to "OFF" position
defective item whenever necessary.
before it can be turned to "START" position.
3. Engine Hour Meter:
The various ignition switch circuits can be
The engine hour meter is a direct reading type.
checked by removing wires from their respective
The unit records up to 9999.9 hours and then
terminals and holding test lamp probes to each
automatically returns to 0000.0. The four figures
terminal. If lamp fails to light, wire is defective
are read directly to record hours, while the figure
and should be repaired or replaced.
on the right records 10ths. of an hour.
The engine hour meter starts recording when
This could be dangerous work.
the ignition switch is turned on. Meter will stop
Electrically it is always wisest to
recording when the ignition switch is turned off.
disconnect the battery when any
troubleshooting or maintenance is
If the hour meter does not operate or runs
performed on the electrical system.
erratically, check wiring for poor terminal
connections, a loose joining connection, bare or
5. Fuses:
frayed wires. Repair or replace as is required.
Fuse protection is wired into the horn and
Since the hour meter is a completely sealed unit,
instrument gauge circuits to prevent burning up
it will have to be replaced if tests indicate the
of this unit in case an electrical short circuit
meter is defective.
develops . The gauges are protected by a 10
ampere fuse and the horn and horn relay circuit
4. Ignition Switch:
is protected by a 10 ampere fuse. Both fuses
are located in clip retainers on a fuse block on
The ignition switch closes the electrical circuit
the right underside of the instrument panel. If
between the ignition coil primary winding and the
either the gauges or the horn fail to operate,
battery. Accordingly, it has one battery terminal
then the fusing should be checked first. If a fuse
lead, and one terminal lead to the ignition coil
is blown, it should be replaced with a fuse of
primary post and the instrument gauges.
identical rating.
Since the ignition switch operates the starter
6. Instrument Panel:
solenoid when turned to the extreme right, a
third terminal is used to run a lead to the starter
The instrument panel can be removed from truck
and reinstalled by following the typical procedure
as outlined below.
When the ignition switch is in the "OFF" position,
current is turned off between the ignition switch,
the ignition coil and the instrument gauges. With
For safety purposes, the battery
the switch turned to the 'ON" position, current
should be disconnected to prevent
can flow between the battery, the ignition coil
the possibility of electrical shock.
and the gauges.
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