TM  10-3930-643-34 BRAKE  TROUBLESHOOTING  AND  MAINTENANCE.  (cont) 8-14. Air Compressor. (Sheet 3 of 13) DISASSEMBLY  (cont) 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Using a drift punch and hammer, matchmark  cylinder  block (15) and crankcase  (41)  with  punch. Using a 1/2”   open  end  wrench,  remove six  lock  bolts  (14),  cylinder  block (15) and gasket (16) from crankcase (41). Discard  gasket  (16). Lift  cylinder  block  (15)  straight  up until clear of pistons. Position crankcase (41) on one side. Rotate crankshaft (38) to bring one connecting rod (26) to bottom of stroke. Using a 1/4” socket, socket wrench handle and a open end wrench, remove two locknuts ((17), rod cap (18), bearing half (19), two bolts (20), items 22 thru 28 as an assembly and bearing half (21). Discard bearing halves (19 and 21). Repeat procedure for second connecting  rod  and  piston  assembly. Replace two rod caps (18) on connecting rods (26). Using a 1/4”   socket  and  socket  wrench handle,    install four bolts (20) and locknuts  (17). Identify connecting rods (26) as matched assemblies by marking with quick dry paint. Using a small flat tip screwdriver, remove ring sets (22 and 23) from connecting rod and piston assembly. Go to sheet 4 8-64

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