TM  10-3930-643-34 TRANSMISSION  TROUBLESHOOTING  AND  MAINTENANCE.  (cont) 6-1. Torque  Converter  Troubleshooting.  (cont) MALFUNCTION TEST  OR  INSPECTION CORRECTIVE  ACTION c. LOW  TORQUE  CONVERTER  “IN”  PRESSURE.  (cont) Step 4. Check  for  internal  leakage  in  torque  converter. If leakage is suspected, contact General Support. d. LOSS OF POWER. Check for low engine output, refer to Engine Troubleshooting. e. HIGH ENGINE SPEED AT TORQUE CONVERTER STALL. Step 1. Check for low transmission sump oil level. Add or drain oil as necessary, refer to LO 10-3930-643-12. If oil level is correct, proceed to Step 2. Step 2. Check for foam in oil, If foam is present, check connections on inlet side of charging pump, refer to paragraph 6-4. If no foam is present, proceed to Step 3. 6-4

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