TM  10-3930-643-34 ENGINE,  FUEL,  EXHAUST  AND  COOLING  TROUBLESHOOTING  AND  MAINTENANCE. 4-12. Fuel Injectors. (Sheet 3 of 5) TESTING/CLEANING/INSPECTION 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Operate test pump until nozzle opening pressure is reached. All orifices in nozzle tip should  be clear. Fuel should spray in atomized mist. Nozzle should emit a sharp high-pitched  chatter. If  chattering does not occur, flush with pump in rapid  complete strokes. Spray pattern should be uniform and equal in all directions. Operate test pump a few strokes to clear air from nozzle. Raise pressure steadily. Observe pressure at which nozzle opens. Opening pressure for new nozzles is 3600 to 3750 psi. Minimum  opening  pressure for used nozzles is 2900 psi. Wipe nozzle tip dry. Bring pressure slowly to 500 psi below nozzle opening  pressure. Maintain this pressure for 5 seconds. Wetting of nozzle is permissible without formation of a droplet. Do not wipe the tip with fingers. This will draw fuel present in sac hole through orifices and give false  leak indication. Hold wiper lightly against tip of nozzle. Bring pressure on nozzle to 1500 psi. Collect any leakage from fuel return stem. Maximum allowable leakage is 1.5 cubic inch in one minute. Wipe retainers (4) with a damp clean cloth using a mild detergent and water  solution. Go to sheet 4 4-85

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