TM   10-3930-643-20 PRELIMINARY   PROCEDURES. 3-6. Troubleshooting    Symptom    Index. Component/System STEERING Play   in   steering   gear Hard  steering  while  driving Steering   gear   noise   or   chuckle Excessive   wheel   kick-back   or   loose   steering FRAME AND TOWING ATTACHMENTS Pintle   hook   inoperative Step,   ladder   and   rail   loose Front   and   rear   frame   scraping   noises ACCESSORY Heater   fan   operates   but   no   heat   is   circulated Wiper   assembly   fails   to   operate   properly Defroster   fan   fails   to   operate Horn  does  not  sound HYDRAULIC  SYSTEM Cylinders   won’t   extend   or   retract Hydraulic   system   spongy   or   slow   to   respond Noisy   operation Foaming   oil Hydraulic   oil   heating   up Paragraph/ Malfunction Page 10-1a 10-2 10-1b 10-2 10-1c 10-2 10-1d 10-3 11-1a 11-2 11-1b 11-2 11-1c 11-2 13-1a 13-2 13-1b 13-2 13-1c 13-3 13-1d 13-3 14-1a 14-2 14-1b 14-2 14-1c 14-2 14-1d 14-3 14-1e 14-3 3-19/(3-20blank)

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