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TM 10-3930-643-20
Body, Cab, Hood and Frame.
F o r i l l u s t r a t i o n r e f e r t o s p e c i f i c m a i n t e-
nance tasks.
a . C a b .
S/N 2000 and below
covered ROPS and door lock.
b .
Engine Top Access Cover.
access to the engine head.
has an open ROPS.
S/N 2001 and above has a
Top access cover protects engine and provides
c. Fender and Operating Platform.
Fenders are located above each tire.
Floor Plate.
F l o o r p l a t e c o v e r s m e c h a n i c a l l i n k a g e s f o r s t e e r i n g,
transmission and fork control.
e. Grille and Supports.
The grille assembly houses the rear lights and the
f .
Seat Assembly.
The seat assembly includes the chair, mounting and seat
b e l t s.
Frame Assembly.
The frame assembly consists of two basic pieces:
front frame with the operator compartment, front axle and controls, and the
rear frame with engine rear axle, torque converter, transmission and hydraulic
system reservoir and pumps.
The two frames are linked together by hinge pins
at the center.
Step Ladder, Rail and Mounting.
Located on side of the cab,
provide a safe means to climb into the operators compartment.
i .
P i n t H o o k .
The pintle hook is part of the towing attachments. It is
located at the rear of the vehicle.
Hydraulic System.
The hydraulic system consists of
3 p a r t s : t he
steering described in paragraph 1-20$ the loader linkage
v e h i c le
Reservoir. Located directly behind the cab, the reservoir provides
hydraulic fluid for the steering, linkage loader and vehicle hydraulic systems.
b .
Reservoir Relief Valve.
Mounted on the top of the reservoir next to the
filler cap, the relief valve is set at 29 psi to prevent over pressurization of
the reservoir.
c .
H y d r a u l i c P u m p . L o c a t e d d i r e c t l y b e l o w t h e r e s e r v o i r , p r o v i d es
hydraulic fluid to the steering valve and control valve.
Hydraulic Filter. Mounted directly behind the hydraulic reservoir in
front of the air cleaner. All hydraulic fluid returning to the reservoir is
filtered before entering the reservoir.