TM 10-3930-643-10 I t em No l Interval B  D A   W 6 Operator/crew    preventive    Maintenance    Checks    and    Services NOTE: Within    designated    interval,    these    checks    are    to    be performed    in    the    order    listed. B - B e f o re D -    D u r i ng A -    A f t er W -    W e e k ly Item    To    Be    Inspected Procedure:    Check    and    have    repaired,    filled or    adjusted    as    needed. b. Check    wheels    for    loose    or    missing mounting    bolts. SEAT    BELTS Check    that    belt    is    securely    mounted, material     is     not     frayed     and     latch     is operable. INSTRUMENT    WARNING    LIGHTS    AND    ALARM a.    With    fan    switch    off,    engine    off, ignition    on,    press    bulb    check    switch. AU    instrument    panel    lights    (except    oil pressure,    ground    driven    steering    and    low air    lights)    should    come    on. Equipment    Is    NOT READY/AVAILABLE IF: One    or    more    bolts missing. Belt    not    securely mounted,     latch inoperable. Any    warning    light hat     does     not have   a   gage   not functioning. T A 3 2 7 9 2 2 2 - 2 0

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