WARNING T M      1 0 - 3 9 3 0 - 6 4 3 - 1 0 I t em No. 4 5 Operator/Crew    Preventive    Maintenance    Checks    and    Services NOTE : Within    designated    interval,    these    checks    are    to    be performed    in    the    order    listed. B    -   Before D    - D u r i n g A - A f t er W - W e e k ly I n t e r v al E q u i p m e n t  I s  N ot B D A W Item    To    Be    Inspected Procedure:    Check    and    have    repaired,    filled or     adjusted     as     needed. READY/AVAILABLE IF: HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR T u r n  h y d r a u l i c  r e s e r v o i r  c ap slowly    before    opening/releasing pressure. With     boom     lowered,     check    reservoir    oil level at sight gage. Maintain    oil    so    that float     is     in     view     of     sight     gage.     Refer     to LO     10-3930-643-12. TIRES     AND     WHEELS a.    Visually    check    tires    for    excessive wear,    foreign    objects,    cuts    or    abrasions and    obviously    low    or    flat    condition. Refer     to     TM     9-2610-201-14. Tires have cuts abrasions  which would     resul tire failure or tire  is  flat TA327921 2   -   1   9

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