TM  10-3930-638-24&P 3-7.   RADIATOR   AND   SHROUD   MAINTENANCE   (cont) STEP LOCATION ITEM ACTION REMARKS INSPECTION  AND  REPAIR 2 Radiator  shroud Inspect Repair broken welds and cracks by welding. Replace shroud if beyond economical repair 3 Radiator a.  Inspect Straighten bent fins, using care not to cooling fins damage core. Repair leaking core tubes and core by soldering, using minimum amount of solder  to  prevent  clogging  tubes b.  Inspect Repeat cleaning (step 1) as necessary to interior and remove  all  scale  deposits core c. Inspect tanks, Repair cracked or leaking areas by solder- filler neck, ing, using minimum amount of solder to brackets and prevent  clogging  radiator hose flanges NOTE After  soldering  radiator,  perform  radiator  pressure  test  (para 2-12,  MALFUNCTION  3)  to  check  for  leakage.  Replace radiator if excessively clogged with scale deposits, or if unable to repair  by  soldering. d. Paint As soon as possible after pressure test, paint repaired areas using dull black radiator paint 3-87

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