TM  10-3930-638-24&P 2-31.   SENDING   UNITS   AND   SWITCHES   MAINTENANCE   (cont) d. Engine Oil Pressure. Switch and Sending Unit (cont). STEP LOCATION ITEM ACTION REMARKS NSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT 6 Engine  compart- a. Fitting (8) and tee (7) Install  and Until securely mounted on engine block ment rear, right tighten side  of  vehicle b. Sender (5) and Install  and Until  securely  mounted  to  tee  (7) switch (6) tighten c. Wire lead (4), lock Install  and Until wire lead (4) is securely mounted to washer (3) and nut (2) tighten terminal  of  sender  (5) d. Harness connector (1) Push  on Terminal of switch (6) e. Wire leads (1 and 4) Seal Use silicone rubber sealer and terminals f. Resistor (10) Position In retainer halves (9) g. Retainer halves (9) Push  together, To secure resistor (10) turn  clockwise and  release TESTING  (OIL  PRESSURE  SENDER) 7 Engine  compart- a. Nut (2) and lock Remove ment rear, right washer (3) side  of  vehicle b. Wire lead (4) Disconnect From  oil  pressure  sender c. Ohmmeter Connect Between oil pressure sender terminal and engine block; set ohmmeter to X1 scale. Ohmmeter  should  indicate  1 ohm or less 8 Operator’s IGNITION switch Place in ON Start and operate engine compartment position 9 Engine compart- a. Ohmmeter Observe With  engine  idling,  resistance  should  be ment rear, right over  13.5  ohms;  increase  engine  speed. side  of  vehicle Resistance  indicated  on  ohmmeter should  increase NOTE If ohmmeter indicates more than I ohm in step 7 above, or if resistance is not over 13.5 ohms or does not increase when engine speed increases in step 9 above, replace oil pressure sender. 10 Operator’s IGNITION switch Place in OFF compartment position 11 Engine compart- a. Ohmmeter Disconnect From  oil  pressure  sender  terminal  and ment rear, right engine  block side  of  vehicle b. Wire lead (4) Connect To  oil  pressure  sender  terminal c. Lock washer (3) and Install  and nut (2) tighten 2-169

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