![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
clutch pack in opposite end of clutch drum (28).
(2) Position spring retainer (16), return spring
(6) On the splined end of drum shaft (28) install
(15), retainer (14) and retaining ring (13) over drum
bearing (17). Drive the bearing with a mallet and brass
shaft (24). Compress the return spring (15) as shown in
sleeve against the inner race as shown in figure 4-55,
A, until the bearing is seated against shoulder of shaft.
Slide spacer (16, fig. 4-50) over shaft and against bear-
(3) Install locating retaining ring (12) into groove
of shaft next to retaining ring (13).
(7) Install retaining rings (14) into grooves in hub
(4) Position large diameter end first of inner cone
of gear (12).
and rollers for bearing assembly (10) over end of drum
(8) Install the seal ring (15) into inner groove of
shaft (24). Drive with mallet and brass sleeve as shown
protruding hub on gear (12).
in figure 4-55, A, until bearing is seated against re-
taining ring (12, fig. 4-51).
(9) Carefully position the gear (12), protruding
(5) Install the two retaining rings of bearing as-
end first, over the drum shaft, engaging splines of
inner discs (23) and seating on bearing (17).
sembly (10) into low gear (9). Press the bearing cups
into each end of the gear, with thick end of each cup
(10) Position bearing (13) over drum shaft with
seating against the retaining rings.
shielded side of bearing facing away from clutch
(6) Install the seal ring (11) into inner groove of
assembly. Drive the bearing with a mallet and brass
protruding hub on gear (9).
sleeve against the inner race, as shown in figure 4-55,
(7) Install one outer disc (20) and one inner disc
B, until the bearing is seated against retaining ring
(19). Alternate outer and inner discs until proper num-
(14, fig. 4-50) in gear (12).
ber have been installed (nine of each disc).
(11) Install bearing (11) over shaft with retaining
(8) Install end plate (18) and retaining ring (17).
ring end toward gear (12).
(9) CarefuIly position the low gear (9), protruding
(12) On the grooved end of drum shaft (28) install
inner bearing (10). Drive the bearing with a mallet and
end first, over the drum shaft, engaging splines of in-
ner discs (19) and seating on the inner cone and rollers
brass sleeve against the inner race, as shown in figure
of bearing assembly (10).
(10) Position the outer cone and rollers of bearing
assembly (10), small diameter first, over the drum
(13) Install two retaining rings (8, fig. 4-50) and
shaft (24). Drive with mallet and brass sleeve as shown
seal ring (9) in grooves provided in bore of gear (6).
in figure 4-55, B, until bearing is seated into bearing
(14) Carefully position gear (6), splined end first,
cup. Install retaining ring (8, fig. 4-51).
over the drum shaft, engaging splines of inner discs
(11) Position shouldered end first of inner race of
(23) and seating on bearing (10). The outer race of
bearing (7) over drum shaft (24). Drive with mallet and
bearing (10) must seat against inner retaining ring (8).
brass sleeve as shown in figure 4-55, C until race is
(15) Position bearing (7) over drum shaft with
seated against retaining ring (8, fig. 4-51).
shielded side of bearing facing away from clutch
(12) Press outer race of bearing (7) into transmis-
assembly. Drive the bearing with a mallet and brass
sion case in proper bore for the low clutch pack.
sleeve against inner race, as shown in figure 4-55, B,
(13) If removed, press pilot bearing (4) into end of
until the bearing is seated against outer retaining ring
drum shaft (24).
(8, fig. 4-50).
(14) Install two seal rings (6) on rear of drum shaft
(16) Install retaining ring (4) and front bearing (5)
on drum shaft. Drive the bearing with a mallet and
brass sleeve as shown in figure 4-55, C.
r. Reverse and Third Clutch Reassembly.
(17) Install outer retaining ring (4, fig. 4-50) and
(1) Starting with one end of the clutch, position
three seal rings (3).
new seal rings (26 and 27, fig. 4-50) into grooves of
piston (25). Insert piston (25) into drum using care not
s. Fourth Speed Clutch Reassembly.
(1) Install retaining ring (22, fig. 4-48) in groove
to damage the seal rings.
(2) Position return spring (20), retainer (19) and
on large diameter of shaft (23).
retaining ring (18) over drum shaft. Compress the re-
(2) Install clutch drum and hub (21) over splined
turn spring (20) as shown in figure 4-52, D and seat
end of shaft (23) and seat recess in hub against retain-
the retaining ring (18, fig. 4-50) in proper groove on
ing ring (22).
(3) Install gear (20) over splined end of shaft (23)
(3) Install one outer disc (24) and one inner disc
with protruding hub facing away from drum and hub
(23). Alternate outer and inner discs until six of each
disc have been installed.
(4) Press bearing assembly (19) onto shaft against
(4) Install end plate (22) and retaining ring (21).
gear (20). The retaining ring groove on outer race of
(5) Repeat (1) through (4) above for identical
bearing must face away from the gear (20).
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