(7) Lift up on weight shaft until there is enough
clearance to insert socket wrench to remove screws
and washers holding fork onto shaft.
(8) Remove screws (6) and washers (7) holding
fork (9) to operating shaft (13).
(9) Lift the shaft (8) and weight carrier assembly
(44-48) from the governor weight housing (50).
(10) Remove screw (10) and washers (11 and 12)
holding bearing (24) in control housing (39).
( 1 1 ) Lift the shaft assembly (13) from the
(12) Place a rod about 18 inches long through the
control housing and knock out plug (14). Remove re-
taining ring (15) and press bearing (16) from housing.
(13) Remove spring clip (17) and washer (18) from
operating shaft lever (23) and remove pin (19) and
differential lever (20). Remove lever (23) and bearing
(14) Remove buffer screw (26) and nut (25) from
(15) Remove screws (27) and washers (28) to re-
move cover (29) and gasket (30) from housing. Remove
semble the governor.
(1) Remove four screws and lockwashers (1 and 2,
governor housing.
(2) Remove retaining bolt and lockwasher (5, 6)
ana lift throttle control lever (7) from shaft.
(3) Remove lube fitting (8), retaining ring (9),
washer (10) and withdraw throttle shaft (11) from
cover. Remove packing (12) and pin (13).
(4) Remove governor shut-down lever and hard-
ware (14 through 21) in a similar manner. Remove
gasket (22).
(5) Remove gear retaining nut (1, fig. 3-59,13)
from shaft (8). Remove gear (2), key (3), and spacer (4)
from shaft.
(6) Turn bearing support (41) until the large open-
ing is centered over the fork (9) on operating shaft.
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