![]() TM 1O-393O-634-34
( 4 ) Inspect the rotor shaft, gear and drive
(1) Clean the blower assembly components, using
coupling for burred or worn condition. Remove burrs
a dry cleaning solvent such as P-D-680 or equal.
with crocus cloth. Replace parts that are worn.
(2) Inspect the finished inside face of the end
(5) Inspect blower gears for excessive wear or
plates. Slight scoring may be cleaned with crocus
damage. Replace as necessary.
cloth. If the surface is badly scored, replace the end
(6) Inspect the bearing and oil seal contact sur-
faces of the rotor shafts and end plates for scoring
(3) Inspect the surface of the rotors and the
wear or nicks. Replace as necessary.
blower housing. Remove burrs and scratches with an
oil stone.
Loose rotor shafts or worn rotor shaft pilot
bearings will result in contact between the
rotors and end plates or between rotor lobes
and housing. Excessive backlash between
gears usually results in rotor lobes rubbing to-
gether throughout their entire length. Refer
to table 1-1 for wear limits and replacement
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