![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(c) Remove wiper (3) and packing (4) from
(e) Install crossheads (29, fig. 7-11) on cluster
inside of gland nut. Remove packing (8) and backup
cylinder and secure with screws (24).
e. Installation of Single Cylinder.
washer (7) from outer circumference of gland nut.
(d) Slide rod (9) from tube (11) and remove
(1) Lift single cylinder into place on mast using a
wear ring from rod.
suitable hoist.
d. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(2) Secure lower end of cylinder to outer mast
with nut (40, fig. 7-11). Secure top of cylinder to mast
with screws (33) and lock washers (34). Install clamp
The two cylinders are very similar. The repair of each is
(38) and spacer (39) around cylinder. Secure clamp with
screws (36) and lock washers (37).
(1) Clean all metal parts in cleaning com-
(3) Install new packing (16) and regulator body
pound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680).
(15) in single cylinder. Install regulator (14), new packing
(2) Inspect all parts for wear and damage. Pay
(13) and elbow (12). Remove plug from hydraulic hose
particular attention to sliding surfaces on rods.
and connect hose to elbow.
(3) Remove any nicks or scratches from rod
f. Installation of Cluster Cylinder.
with crocus cloth.
(1) Using a suitable hoist lift cluster cylinder into
(4) Replace all unserviceable parts. Replace all
position on the mast.
packings, backup rings and washers and nylon pellets
(2) Secure lower end of cluster cylinder with nut
contained in repair kits for the cylinder.
(40). Secure upper end of center tube to inner mast with
e. Assembly.
screw (33) and lock washer (34).
(1) Single cylinder.
(3) Install fittings (5) in cylinders. Connect tube
(a) Coat all parts with engine oil (OE) before
(4) between cluster and single cylinders.
(4) Install chain anchors (23) in brackets on
(b) Install wear ring (10, fig. 7-13) in groove on
cluster cylinder and install nuts (22). Connect chains
rod (9). Slide rod into tube (11).
(21) to anchors using links (20). Install chain guards (19)
(c) Install packing (4) and wiper (3) in gland nut
and secure with screws (17) and lock washers (18).
(5). Install backup washer (7) and packing (8) on gland
(5) Refer to paragraph 2-14 and install side shift
nut. Install nylon pellets (6).
carriage and forks.
(d) Install gland nut in tube, sliding rod through
g. Bleed Cylinders.
packing and wiper. Tighten gland nut securely into tube.
(1) Connect battery receptacle and operate
(e) Install bleed screw (1) and nylon
truck. Raise and lower mast a few times and tilt mast to
washer (2) in tube. Install pin (3) in tube.
operate tilt cylinders.
(2) Cluster cylinder.
(2) Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and fill
to proper level.
Assembly and installation of the rods in the three
(3) Raise mast until forks are approximately
tubes of the cluster cylinder is identical. The two
three feet above floor.
short rods go into the outer tubes. The long rod
(4) Open bleed screws (1, figs. 7-12 and 7- 13).
is installed in the center tube of the cluster
5) Check oil flowing from bleed screws. Allow
oil to flow until all bubbles are gone from oil and a clear
(a) Install wear rings (10, fig. 7-12) on rods (11
stream of air-free oil flows from bleed screw hole.
and 12) and install rods in tubes.
(6) Close bleed screws.
(b) Install nylon pellets (7) in gland nuts (6).
(7) Check oil level in reservoir and fill to proper
Install wipers (4) and packings (5) in gland nuts.
level, if necessary.
(c) Install backup washer (8) and packings (9)
on gland nuts. Install gland nuts over rods and into
tubes. Tighten gland nuts into tubes securely.
(d) Install bleed screws (1) and nylon washers
(2) in tube.
carriage to the right or left, allowing ease and
7-8. Description
accuracy of positioning loads.
a. The fork lift truck is equipped with a side
b. Operation of the side shift is controlled by
shift carriage. Hydraulic power will shift the
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