![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(7) Remove relief valve assembly (71 through
(4) Install piston (19) and spring (18) in poppet
85) from housing. Remove adjusting screw (71), spring
(72), poppet (73), packings (75 and 77) and backup ring
(5) Install poppet (13) and spring (12) in plug
(76) from plug (74). Remove spring (78). Check and
(14). Secure poppet and spring with adjusting screw
note number of turns adjusting screw is set in plug.
(11). Turn screw in the same number of turns required
to remove screw. Install new packing (15 and 17) and
(8) Remove poppet (83) and remove piston
(79), poppet (80), backup ring (82) and packing (81) from
backup ring (16) on plug (14).
poppet (83).
(6) Install nut (10) on adjusting screw and cover
(9) Remove packing (85) from cap (84).
with acorn nut (8).
(10)Remove tilt cylinder section from tie reds.
(7) Install new wiper (34) and packing (35) on
Remove fittings (4) and packings (42) from section.
side shift plunger (39). Install plate (33), seat (31) and
Remove packings (26) and spring (52) and poppet (53)
spring (32) on plunger and secure with shoulder screw
from housing.
(8) Slide plunger assembly into bore in housing
(11)Refer to steps (3) through (5) and
disassemble tilt plunger section (41 through 55) in the
(40). Apply a light coat of grease (GAA) to spring. Install
plunger cap (29) over plunger and secure cap with
same manner.
(12)Remove and disassemble side shift plunger
screws (28).
section (28 through 40) in the same manner.
(9) Install new packing (35) and wiper (34) over
linkage end of plunger. Install plate (33) over plunger
(13)Remove inlet section (27) from tie rods.
and secure with screws (36).
Remove plugs (4 and 6) and packings (5 and 7) from
housing. Refer to steps 6 through 9 and remove relief
(10)Install new packing (26) in grooves on
valve from inlet section.
housing and install poppet (38) and spring (37) in bore in
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(11)Install new packings (42) and fittings (41) in
(1) Clean all metal parts in cleaning com-
tilt plunger housing (55).
pound, solvent (Fed.
P-D-680) and dry
(12)Refer to steps (7) through (11) and
assemble tilt cylinder section in the same manner. Install
(2) Discard packings (5, 17, 26, 35 and 75) and
new packing (26), poppet (53) and spring (52) in
backup rings (16 and 22). These parts are contained in
a parts kit. Install new packings and rings.
(13)Refer to steps (3) through (6) to install relief
(3) Inspect housings for cracks, damaged
valve in lift plunger section (86). Refer to steps (7)
threads and worn plunger bores. Recondition plunger
through (11) to complete assembly of lift plunger section.
bores with a fine hone if necessary.
Install new packing (26), poppet (66) and spring (65) in
(4) Inspect plungers for scoring or damage. Lap
housing (86).
slight scratches from plungers. Replace plunger if
(14)Position inlet, side shift, tilt, and lift plunger
scored or damaged.
sections and housing together. Packings (26) and
(a) Check clearance between plunger and bore.
internal poppets and springs must remain in place while
Allowable clearance is 0.0002 to 0.0005 inch (0.005 to
assembling valve.
0.012 mm). If clearance exceeds these dimensions,
(15)Install tie rods (2 and (3) through valve
replace plungers.
sections and secure with nuts (1). Tighten nuts to a
(b) Examine bores. Surfaces must be free of
torque of 14 pound feet (1.93 m-kg).
burs or pits.
Resurface bores with fine lapping
e. Installation.
compound if necessary. Check clearance.
(1) Install control valve (fig. 7-6) in position on
(c) After honing or lapping clean parts
frame. Secure control valve with screws, nuts and
(5) Replace all worn or damaged parts. Replace
all parts in repair kit.
(2) Remove plugs from hoses and connect
d. Assembly.
hoses to correct inlet and outlet fittings on control valve.
(3) Connect linkage and devises (fig. 7-6) to
(1) Coat all parts with engine oil (OE) before
control valve plungers.
(4) Refer to paragraph 7-3 and check pressure
(2) Install plugs (4 and 6, fig. 7-7) and new
at control valve if necessary.
packings (5 and 7) in inlet section housing (27).
(5) Refer to TM10-3930-631-12 and adjust
(3) Install new packing (21) and backup ring
linkage and switch.
(22) on poppet (20). Install poppet (23) in cap (24).
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