![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
KEY to fig. 7-2:
(5) Measure inside diameter of bearings in front
1. Screw
16. Adapter
plate (6, fig. 7-2) and adapter (18). Replace front plate
2. Lock washer
17. Gasket
or adapter if inside diameter of bearings exceeds 0.691
3. Screw
18. Body adapter
inch (17.5 mm).
4. Screw, 12 point
19. Pump body
(6) Check gear pockets in gear bodies. If inside
5. Screw
20. Dowel pin
diameter of gear pockets exceed 1.719 inches (43.6
6. Back plate
21. Dowel pin
mm) replace body.
7. Packing
22. Drive gear
8. Rear body
23. Key
(7) Replace all parts contained in pump repair
9. Pump gear
24. Idler gear
kit (TM10-3930-631-34P).
10. Diaphragm
25. Diaphragm
d. Assembly.
11. Backup gasket
26. Seal
(1) Clean all metal parts with cleaning
12. Protector gasket
27. Spring
compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry
13. Seal
28. Ball
thoroughly. Coat all parts with engine oil (OE) before
14. Screw
29. Front plate
15. Lock washer
30. Seal
(4) Secure pump in a vise. Remove screws (3,
(2) Drive dowel pins (20 and 21) in front and
4 and 5). Remove back plate (6), and packing (7).
back plates (6 and 29).
Discard packing.
(3) Tuck new diaphragm seal (26) into grooves
(5) Remove pump from vise and turn pump
of front plate (29) with open part of "V" section down.
shaft end up. Shake pump to remove gears (9) from
(4) Press new protector gasket (12), backup
rear body (8). Remove rear body and diaphragm (10),
gasket (11) and diaphragm (25) into diaphragm seal.
gasket (11), protector gasket (12) and seal (13). Discard
diaphragm, gaskets and seal.
Diaphragm must be installed with bronze face up.
(6) Remove screws (14) and lock washers (15)
(5) Install balls (28) and springs (27) in bores in
and remove adapter (16) and gasket (17). Discard
front plate.
(6) Install new diaphragm seal (13), protector
(7) Remove key (23) from drive gear.
gasket (12), backup gasket (11) and diaphragm (10) in
(8) Tap drive shaft with a rubber mallet to
body adapter (18) in the same manner. Intake hole of
separate front plate (29) from pump body. Remove drive
diaphragm must be alined with intake hole in the face of
gear (22) and idler gear (24) from body.
(9) Remove diaphragm (25), backup gasket
the body adapter. The entire diaphragm must fit within
(11), protector gasket (12) and seal (26). Discard
the raised rim of the diaphragm seal.
diaphragm, gaskets and seals.
(7) Slide drive gear (22) and idler gear (24)
(10)Remove springs (27) and balls (28) from
through bearings in front plate (29).
front plate.
(8) Apply a thin coat of heavy grease (GAA) to
(11)Drive dowel pins (20 and 21) from body and
both milled faces of body (19). Place body over gears on
adapter with a brass drift and separate body (19) from
front plate. Half moon port cavities in body must face
adapter (18). Remove and discard
packing (7) from between body and adapter.
away from front plate. The small drilled hole in one of the
(12)Remove seal (30) from front plate using a
cavities must be on the pressure side of the pump
suitable puller. Discard seal.
opposite adapter (16).
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(9) Install new packing (7) in groove in body
(1) Clean all metal parts in cleaning com-
adapter (18) and install adapter over gear shafts and on
pound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry thoroughly
body. Tap adapter in place with a rubber hammer.
with compressed air.
(10)Install key (23) in drive shaft and install
(2) Inspect parts for nicks and burs. Remove
burs and nicks with emery cloth if possible.
gears (9) on shaft.
(3) Inspect drive gear for broken keyway and
(11)Coat milled surfaces of rear body (8) with
damaged or worn splines and gear teeth. Check drive
thin coat of grease (GAA). Half moon cavities of body
gear and idler shafts for wear in bearing and seal areas.
must face away from adapter and drilled hole in one
Bearing areas measuring less than 0.685 inch (17.4 mm)
cavity must be on pressure side of pump.
must be replaced. If bearing area is less than indicated
(12)Install new packing (7) in groove of back
replace gear. Shafts and gears must be replaced as
plate (6) and install plate on body (8). Secure with
(4) Inspect drive, idler and pump gears for
screws (3, 4, and 5). The twelve point headed screws
scoring and wear. If gears are worn or scored, replace
(4) are installed on each side of the pressure port (fig. 7-
3). The longer hex head
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