![]() e. Wrap bearings, after application of oil, in clean
2-6. Cleaning
lint free cloth to prevent corrosion and rust.
f. Do not use solvent to clean armatures, field
Dry cleaning compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-
coils, rubber and insulated components, or any
D-680), used for cleaning, is potentially
components that could be harmed by the solvent.
dangerous to personnel and property. Do not
2-7. Welding
use near open flame. Flash point of solvent is
100F to 138F (38C to 59C).
a. Many of the components of the lift truck are
welded or can be repaired by welding.
a. Clean all mechanical parts in cleaning
b. Observe good welding practices when repairing
compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680).
by welding. Refer to TM9-237 for correct welding
b. Dry all parts with clean, compressed air. Dry
parts thoroughly.
c. When repair of a component of the lift truck
c. Do not dry ball and roller bearings with Do not
requires special welding instructions, these instructions
dry ball and roller bearings with compressed air.
will be included in the applicable paragraphs.
Spinning of bearings when dry can cause damage.
d. If parts are to be set aside for any length of time
before assembling, coat parts with a thin film of oil.
the vehicle make certain the battery receptacle has been
2-8. General
disconnected and capacitors are discharged.
a. The major components of the fork lift truck
(1) Jack up the rear of the truck or lift with a
consist of the front axle, rear axle, service brakes,
hoist attached to the lifting eyes to raise rear end of
steering pump, hydraulic pump, hydraulic control valve,
truck. Securely block truck in raised position.
masts, electric motors, accelerator control, forward and
(2) Remove wheels from axle and disconnect
reverse switch, and electrical controls.
drag link (TM10-3930-631-12).
b. The paragraphs in this section contain in
(3) Place a suitable jack under steering axle and
structions for the removal and installation of most of the
raise it slightly to relieve stress on mounting bearings.
above components.
(4) Loosen jam nut (1, fig. 2-1) and loosen
2-9. Rear Steering Axle
adjusting screw (2) to free axle.
a. Removal
Before any service is to be performed on
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