![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
Section I. GENERAL
and Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2, located in the
1-1. Scope
back of this manual, direct to: Commander, U. S. Army
This manual contains information necessary for the
Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MB,
maintenance of the Truck, Lift, Fork, Electric, Solid
Warren, MI 48397-5000. A reply will
Rubber Tired Wheels, 4000 pound capacity by Direct
be furnished to you.
Support and General Support Maintenance personnel as
1-4. Equipment Serviceability Criteria
allocated by the Maintenance Allocation Chart. The
manual provides information on the maintenance of the
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
equipment which is beyond the scope of tools,
1-5. Enemy Use
equipment, personnel or supplies normally available to
Procedures to be used for destruction of enemy
Operator and Organizational Maintenance.
equipment to prevent enemy use are defined in TM 750-
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
Maintenance Forms and Records that are required for
1-6. Administrative Storage
use are explained in DA Pam 738-750.
Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions pertaining to
1-3. Reporting Errors and Recommending Im-
administrative storage of the fork lift truck.
1-7. Orientation
You can help improve this manual. If you find any
Throughout this manual the terms right, left, front and
mistakes, or know of a way to improve the procedures,
rear with respect to the truck and components are
please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028
determined from the viewpoint of the operator sitting on
(Recommended Changes to Publications
(2) Shipping data plate. The shipping plate
1-8. Description
includes capacity of lift, shipping weight and wheel
A general description of the Fork Lift Truck and
loading weights. It also shows the center of gravity and
information pertaining to identification plates are
applicable heights and distances for the important parts
contained in TM 10-3930-631-12. A more detailed
of the truck.
description of components and assemblies is contained
c. Drive Motor Classification and Rating.
in the applicable sections of this manual. Detailed
Make ........................................... Allis Chalmers
descriptions of the components of the truck are provided
Part Number ............................... 48494363 2
in the applicable paragraphs of this manual.
Horsepower ................................ 5. 1 HP
1-9. Identification and Tabulated Data
Current Draw .............................. 100 Amps
a. General.
This paragraph contains the
Voltage........................................ 36 Volts
maintenance data pertinent to direct and general support
Speed ......................................... 1450 RPM
maintenance personnel
Winding Type.............................. Series Wound
b. Identification. The lift truck has two identification
Cooling........................................ Fan Cooled
plates mounted on the right front of the truck.
Insulation .................................... Class F
(1) Army data plate. This plate includes the type
Rotation ...................................... Clockwise
of truck, type of tires and model number. It also includes
d. Hydraulic Pump Motor Classification and
the contract number, serial and registration numbers,
Make Allis Chalmers
Change 1 1-1
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