![]() TM 10-3930-631-12
Section I. GENERAL
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank
1-1. Scope
Forms), or DA Form 2028-2, located in the back of this
This manual is for your use in operating and maintaining
manual, direct to: Commander, U.S.
Army Tank-
the Allis-Chalmers Fork Lift Truck Models ACE40EE144
Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MB, Warren,
and ACE40AEE180. The manual provides information
MI 48397-5000. A reply will be furnished to you.
on operation and organizational maintenance of the
1-4. Destruction of Material to Prevent Enemy
equipment. Included in the manual are descriptions of
the main units and their functions in relation to other
Procedures to be used for destruction of equipment to
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
prevent enemy use are defined in TM 750-244-6.
a. DA Form 2258, Depreservation Guide for
1-5. Equipment Serviceability Criteria
Engineer Equipment.
This equipment is not covered by an Equipment
b. DAForm1397, Processing and Deprocessing
Serviceability Criteria.
for Shipment, Storage and Issue of Vehicles and Spare
1-6. Administrative Storage
Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions pertaining to
c. Maintenance forms and records that you are
administrative storage of the fork lift truck.
required to use are explained in DA Pam 738-750.
1-7. Orientation
1-3. Reporting Errors and Recommending Im-
Throughout this manual the terms right, left, front and
rear with respect to the truck and components, are
You can help improve this manual. If you find any
determined from the viewpoint of the operator sitting on
mistakes, or know of a way to improve the procedures,
the seat of the truck.
please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028
The trucks can be used to load, transport, unload and
1-8. Description
stack loads weighing as much as 4, 000 pounds at a 24
a. The Allis-Chalmers Models ACE40AEE144 and
inch load center. (The load center is measured from the
ACE40AEE180 Fork Lift Trucks are nontactical trucks
heel of the fork).
(figs. 1-1 and 1-2) designed for warehouse operation.
Change 2 1-1
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