![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
b. Cleaning.
(7) Adjust nuts until deflection is equal with
the same tension applied to each chain at the same
(1) Soak and wash chains in SD. Use a
height. Keep nut and jamnut as close to end of anchor
stiff brush to remove hard or caked dirt and grease.
stud as possible and still obtain above adjustments. This
(2) Hang chains and let them drain until
will allow lowest possible position of forks. Tighten
c. Inspection. Inspect chains for pitted or
broken rollers, elongation, and defective connecting
4-54. Oil Tank and Breathe.
links. Install serviceable chains as necessary.
a. Maintain level of OE to mark on dipstick at
d. Installation.
time mast is tilted back and hoist is fully lowered.
(1) Soak chains in OE-10.
b. Tank is vented through the fill cap, which
(2) Hang chains and let them drain. Wipe
contains a filter element. In normal service, remove the
outer surfaces of chains of excess oil before installing
fill cap and soak it in SD each 500 hours of operation to
remove accumulated dirt. When the truck is used in
(3) Reverse procedure in a above.
dusty areas, clean as often as needed.
e. Adjustment.
c. Referring to figure 4-26, note the suction line
(1) With no load on forks move forks to
filter, shown removed from inside the tank. At least each
their extreme width.
1000 hours clean this filter.
(2) Lower forks completely.
4-55. Return Line (Pressure) Filter
(3) Move upright to vertical position.
Each 500 hours of operation replace this filter element.
(4) Adjust the chain anchor rods into chain
4-56. Lines and Fittings
anchors as far as threads will allow, by tightening chain
Inspect all hydraulic fittings and lines as given in MIL-
anchor rod nuts.
STD 166, Visual Inspection Guide for Rubber Hose.
(5) Fork-to-floor clearance will range from 0
Refer to figure 4-26 for guidance in removing lines and
to 3/4 inch, depending on tire wear and machine
Warning: Lower forks fully and tilt mast
(6) Raise the inner rail assembly to its
forward before loosening any hydraulic hose fitting.
fullest height and check the clearance between the inner
Loss of pressure trapped in line may let mast tilt or
rail stops and the outer rail stop blocks. If the stop
carriage lower by gravity, with the risk of injury.
blocks are touching, readjust the nuts until a clearance of
at least 1/8 inch is obtained.
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