![]() (6) Install the wiper ring (3) and the packing
(1) Remove the primary lift cylinder (para 5-
(4) in the gland (2). Install the pin (5).
(7) Install the gland assembly into the cylinder
(2) Remove the bleed screw (1, fig. 5-15).
tube (11).
Insert a high pressure air hose into bleeder screw
e. Installation.
hole. With the lift control lever held in the DOWN
(1) Attach a chain securely around the
position, blow the oil out of the cylinder back into
cylinder assembly. Install the cylinder in the mast
the reservoir.
(3) Disconnect the high pressure hose.
(2) Secure the cylinder assembly to the mast
(4) Disconnect hydraulic lines to the cylinder.
with its mounting hardware.
Cap or plug openings.
(3) Attach lift chains to the cylinder end (TM
(5) Remove the mounting hardware securing
the upper and lower ends of the cylinder to the mast
(4) Install the carriage backrest (para 6-3).
(5) Reconnect all hydraulic lines to the
(6) Use a chain hoist to lift the intermediate
mast assembly approximately six inches, and block
(1) When the cylinder assembly has been
in place.
installed, run the lift to the extreme upper limit.
(7) Carefully remove the cylinder assembly.
then open the bleeder screw (1, fig. 5-14) one or
(1) Place the cylinder in a vise. Remove the
two turns. Allow the trapped air and foamy oil to
end head (2). Remove the bearing (3) and the ram
run out. When a clear stream of oil appears, tighten
(4) from the end head. Remove the seal (5) and
the bleeder screw.
wiper ring (6) from the ram. Remove the preform-
5-10. Secondary Lift Cylinder
ed packing (7) and ring (8) from the end head.
a. Removal.
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