![]() loose. If the flange is to be reused, hone in the same
(5) Place the bushing dowel (8) between the
manner as the body fare.
two front bushings. Hold the bushings together,
(6) Handle the pump gears carefully when
and insert them face down into the pump bores. Do
inspecting. The pump must be replaced if following
not force the bushings into position. They will slide
i n s m o o t h l y i f p r o p e r l y aligned. P l a c e t h e
measurements are less than that specified. The
journal diameter is 0.872 in.. the length of the gear
preformed packing (6) and backup rings (5) on the
is 1.319 in., and the gear OD is 1.754 in. Check the
bushing shoulders.
gear teeth ends and remove any burrs with a small,
Place the two preformed packings (29) in the
fine hone. If the journal surfaces are blackened and
two small recesses in the face of the body on the
can be scratched with a penknife, they have lost
inlet side of the pump and place the body
their casehardening and the pump must be
preformed packing (4) in its recess around the
(7) Handle bushings carefully. The bore of the
(7) Place the priority valve spring (18) in the
bushing. which will be worn slightly oval, must not
valve spool (17), coat the spool with nil, and install
measure over 0.882 in. at the largest reading. The
it spring first, into the valve bore.
length of the bushing must not measure under
(8) Install the preformed packing (16) on the
1.055 in. Remove minor cuts or scratches by
valve plug (15), coat with oil and insert the plug
honing in a circular motion with an extra fine stone.
into the valve bore with the threaded hole outward.
Be sure the sharp edge between the face of the
Push in until it is flush with the face of the body.
bushing and the OD is not broken. Erosion on the
(9) To replace the seals (3) in the mounting
face of the bushing near the rectangular land and in
flange (2), first press in the nil seal with the lip
the lube oil slot indicates air in the system. Check
pointed in, then press in the oil seal with the lip
for air leaks on the suction side of the pump.
pointed out. Install the mounting flange (2) on the
(8) Check the diameter of the valve spool lands
pump, taking care not to damage the seals on the
(22, fig. 5-8) and replace the spool if the diameter is
shaft. Before sliding the end plate all the way down,
less than 0.748 in. at any point. Check the balance
check to see that all seals and backup rings are still
and flow orifices and clear with a fine wire if
in place.
(10) Tighten the countersunk capscrews (1) to
(9) Check the valve spool spring (21) to see
secure the flange to the pump body. To insure
that it is not bent or deformed. Replace the spring if
proper gear meshing, rotate the drive shaft using a
the length is less than 3 1/2 in.
maximum torque of eight ft. lbs.
(10) Inspect the cone (25) for wear and
(11) Install the cone (25) and spring (24) into
the spool (22). Secure the parts in position with one
erosion and replace if damaged.
setscrew (23). Turn the setscrew in the same
(11) Inspect the cone valve spring (24).
number of turns required for removal. Lock in
Replace if bent or deformed.
place with the remaining setscrew (23).
(12) Install the spool assembly in the relief
(1) Place the pump face up and install the two
port of the pump. Place the preformed packing
body dowels (28). tapping them in place with a
(20) on the plug (19). Install the relief valve spring
plastic hammer. Coat the body bores with light oil.
( 2 ) P l a c e the bushings (11), preformed
(18) and plug (19).
e. Installation.
packing (13), and backup ring (14) on the shoulder
Caution: Do n o t f o r c e t h e p u m p i n t o
at the rear of the pump. Hold in place with grease,
position. This will damage the bushing faces
if necessary. Place the bushing dowel (12) in the
and result in poor operation and short pump
holes in the flat side of the bushings.
Caution : Do not tap or force the
bushings into the bores. They should drop to
(1) Install the pump carefully, sliding the
the bottom by their own weight.
pump shaft into the engine coupling. If it binds,
(3) Holding the bushings together, carefully
remove the pump and inspect the coupling and the
shaft for burrs or other damage.
align them and slide them, with the packing side
down. into the bores. Coat the faces and bores of
(2) When the pump is in place, install the two
the bushing with light oil. Be sure the bushings
close-fitting capscrews which help align the pump
bottom in the housing and the backup rings do not
with the engine. Install the remaining capscrews
fall off.
and tighten.
(4) Turn the pump body so that the priority
(3) Install the pump inlet line and tighten just
valve (15 through 18) is to the left. Place the drive
enough so the backup washer is flat against the side
of the pump. Do not over-tighen as this will damage
gear (9) in the top bore and the idler gear (10) in
the lower bore. Coat the journals and the gear faces
the pump housing threads.
with a light coat of oil.
(4) Install the pump outlet lines and tighten.
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