![]() (1) Position the pedals on the shaft. Raise the
(1) Lubricate the parts and the cylinder bore
shaft and pedal assembly into alignment with the
with clean hydraulic brake fluid.
hole in the steering column mounting bracket and
(2) Refer to figure 4-20. Insert a cup and
push the shaft into the hole.
piston in one end of the cylinder. Never try to push
(2) Insert the 2 in. long capscrew into the end
a piston through the length of the cylinder.
of the shaft and pull the shaft out far enough to
(3) Insert the spring, the cup, and the piston in
locate the setscrew holes. Align them with the
the other end of the cylinder.
setscrew holes in the mounting brackets, push the
(4) Install the cylinder boots. Make certain
shaft in, and install the setscrews. Remove the
they are properly seated in the grooves provided in
capscrew and tighten the mounting bracket.
the casting.
e. Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-624-12.
(3) Install the brake pedal stop and the pedal
springs. Connect the master cylinder clevis pin.
4-13. Pedal. Brake and Inching
(4) Make any necessary adjustments (subpara
a. Removal.
(5) Install the toe plate and floor plate.
(1) Remove the floor plate and toe plate.
c. Adjustment.
(2) Disconnect the master cylinder clevis pin.
(1) Mechanical adjustment. (fig. 4-21.)
Remove the pedal springs and the brake pedal stop.
Caution: Ensure that the inching
(3) Remove the setscrews holding the shaft in
plunger is completely bottomed before making
position. Install a 2 inch long capscrew in the end of
any adjustments. Be sure that the inching pedal
the pedal shaft.
stop prevents the inching plunger from pierc-
(4) Pressing against the capscrew, press the
ing the back of the control valve.
shaft out of the steering column mounting bracket
(a) With the brake pedal in the normal
into the opposite bracket and remove the capscrew.
(5) Loosen the bracket capscrews and lower
position, set the inching pedal stop to allow a
1/16- 1/4 in. gap between the pickup lug and
the assembly until the shaft can be removed from
the pedals. Remove the pedals from the truck.
brake pedal.
b. Installation.
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