![]() the opposite sides of the sleeve with both hands.
counterbore in the cylinder block are clean and free
Press into place with a sudden quick application of
from nicks or burrs.
pressure. Be careful not to get dirt under the flange
(4) Before installing the rubber seal rings,
of the sleeve, which would prevent it from properly
insert the sleeve into the bore to make certain the
sleeve can be pushed down into place by hand
(6) With the flange of the cylinder sleeve
pressure. Withdraw the sleeve from the block. If
firmly seated in the counterbore of the cylinder
the sleeve cannot be inserted in the above manner,
block. the top surface of the cylinder sleeve must be
more cleaning is necessary.
0.002 inch above the top flat surface of the cylinder
(3) With the rubber seal rings installed and
block. Hold a straight edge across the cylinder
lubricated with liquid soap. hydraulic brake fluid,
sleeve flange and use a feeler gage to measure the
or soluble oil, install the sleeve in the cylinder
standout of the sleeve flange above the block.
block. Be careful not to cut or scratch the seal rings.
When the sleeve is nearly in place, apply pressure to
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