![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
2. Assemble back-up ring (12) and
packing (13) on cylinder stuffing box (10).
Complete installation of one spool
before installing second one.
3. Check insert plug (11) and insert new plug if
badly cut by cylinder threads.
2. Assemble new preform packing (27, figure 4-6)
into body recess with packing retainer (31).
4. Assemble packing set (9) in the stuffing box and
compress with packing gland (5). Assemble screws (6)
3. Assemble in order to spool lower end, spring
and lock washers (7).
seat (29) spring (30), second spring seat (29) and
retaining ring (28).
4. Assemble cap (20) to valve body.
Packing set consists of five molded
rings which must be stacked as
5. Assemble new packing (27) to valve body upper
follows: bottom, flat side with white
spool bore.
stripe; second and fourth from top,
no color stripe; first and third from
6. Assemble packing retainer (26), wiper ring (25),
top, red stripe. Stack packing rings
retainer plate (22), control handle bracket (21) and
to nest on bottom ring. Insert ring
screws (23).
one first into stuffing box (10).
5. Press piston wiper ring (8) in packing gland.
7. Assemble regulator valve plunger seat (15),
plunger (14), poppet assembly (13), spring (12), pilot
6. Screw piston clevis end (1) on piston shaft and
seat (11), in order listed in pressure regulator bore of
assemble clamp screw (2), nut (3) and lock washer (4).
valve body.
7. Adjust tilt cylinder clevis to cylinder anchor pin
8. Assemble preform packings (6 and 8) and ring
holes center to center distance to 15-5/16 inch with
(7) to relief valve cap (5).
cylinder in fully retracted condition. Torque nut (3) to 75-
80 foot-pounds.
9. Lubricate packings with OE-10 engine oil and
assemble cap (5) to valve body. Carefully drop pilot
8. Plug ports to prevent entrance of foreign
plunger (10) and its spring (9) in cap bore.
10. Assemble adjustment s rew (4) in cap until it
meets spring (9). Assemble gaskets (2), nut (3), and
acorn nut (1) loosely on setscrew.
Refer to TM 10-3930-623-12.
Pressure in hydraulic systems is
regulated by adjustment of setscrew
(4) with system filled and pump
operating. See paragraph 7-(91) for
instructions. After setting pressure,
nut (3) will be locked. Parts are
loosely installed to prevent loss.
11. Assemble plug and seal (35) to lower end of
pressure regulator bore.
12. Assemble check valve poppet (19), spring (18)
in check valve bore. Assemble preform packing (17) to
plug (16) and assemble to body.
13. Plug all openings to prevent entrance of dirt until
valve is to be installed.
The linear valve spools are mated to
the valve body during manufacture.
14. Assemble operating handles (55 and 56, figure
Do not interchange spools between
valve bodies. Replacement of either
spool requires complete replacement
of the body with two mated spools.
15. Connect handle to valve spool with links (61),
1. Oil valve spools with OE-10 engine oil. Carefully
pins (59) and cotter pins (58).
slide spool into valve body from the top.
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