![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
5. Install throttle shaft hole plug (11) in side
opposite throttle lever. Use a light hammer to drive plug
in flush with face of boss.
1. Install packing (35, figure 4-20) in open side of
6. Install idle adjusting needle (3) and friction
retainer (36). Place completed assembly on suitable
spring (4) in threaded passage at side of throttle body.
driver with packing facing small end of driver. Insert
Turn idle needle in lightly against seat, then back out
small end of driver into choke shaft hole; start retainer
needle 1-1/4 turns as a preliminary setting.
into counterbore of body. Lightly drive retainer into body
7. Install idle jet (44) in counter-bored passage of
until flush with machined surface.
machined surface.
2. Install shaft hole plug (34), using light hammer.
8. Install fuel valve seat (part of 16) and fiber
3. Refer to match marks made at time of
washer (17).
disassembly and install choke bracket, bracket attaching
9. Place new throttle body to bowl gasket (2) on
screws and lock washers (23 through 31).
machined surface of throttle body. Install fuel valve
4. Install choke shaft and lever assembly (32).
needle (part of 16) in seat and position float assembly
Rotate shaft so that cut out section faces out.
(18) in hinge bracket.
5. Start choke plate (20) into place (poppet valve
10. Insert float pin (19) through hinge bracket at side
stem and spring facing into air intake). Press choke
opposite slot and guide axle through float bushing.
lever against shaft boss to compress ratchet pin spring;
Press pin through slotted end of bracket, using handle of
center choke plate in closed position and start choke
plate screws (21) into place. When plate is properly
11. For correct float chamber fuel level, check
centered, tighten screws securely.
distance from top of floats to machined surface of throttle
6. Install choke lever spring (22) to return choke to
body (no gasket) with throttle body inverted.
wide open position.
referred to is actually lower surface of float when
7. Install main jet (42) and fiber washer (43) in
carburetor is in installed position. Distance should be
threaded hole at bottom of fuel bowl.
1-5/32 inch plus or minus 1/32 inch. To increase or
8. Install well vent jet (45) in fuel bowl and tighten,
decrease distance, use long nose pliers and bend lever
using small screwdriver.
close to float body.
9. Install discharge jet (40) and fiber washer (41) in
large threaded passage below fuel bowl.
10. Install drain plug (37) in threaded passage at
Do not bend, twist or apply pressure
bottom of fuel bowl.
on the float bodies. The float bodies
11. Install main passage plug (38) with fiber washer
when viewed from the free end of the
float bodies must be centered and at
right angles to the machined surface
and must move freely on the float
1. Insert throttle shaft packing (13, figure 4-20 ) in
12. Insert venturi (46) in throttle body bore, large
open end of retainer (12). Place completed assembly on
opening first. Position with flat side toward well vent jet
suitable driver with packing facing small end of driver.
when carburetor is assembled.
2. Insert small end of driver into throttle shaft hole.
13. Carefully place fuel bowl assembly on throttle
Start retainer into counter-bore of throttle body.
body assembly, being careful not to damage floats.
Lightly drive retainer into body until flush with machined
Align screw holes in fuel bowl with holes in gasket and
surface or slightly below surface to avoid interference
throttle body.
with throttle lever.
14. Start all four bowl to body screw and lockwasher
3. Insert throttle lever and stop and shaft assembly
assemblies (1). Tighten screws uniformly and securely.
(7) in throttle body. Rotate throttle shaft to wide open
15. Replace hex plug in side of throttle body (if
position and insert throttle plate (5) into shaft. Then
rotate to closed position and hold plate closed with
16. Hold throttle lever in closed position and turn
throttle stop screw (9) in until it just contacts the stop pin;
4. Start throttle plate screws (6) and leave screws
then turn screw in 1-1/2 additional turns as a preliminary
loose. Center throttle plate in throttle bore and tighten
idle speed adjustment.
throttle plate screws.
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