![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
of the pump valve is also fed from an orifice directly by
Remove cotter pin (25), nut (26) and
main pressure which positions the pump valve so that oil
washer (27) and pull wheels, brake drum, brake drum
from the inching valve can flow through it to the selector
seal, gasket, and final drive shaft from axle housing as
an assembly.
4-50. Converter Oil. Converter oil flow c mes directly
Disassemble hydraulic brake assembly
from the oil pump outlet, but is reduced in pressure in
as follows:
passing through an orifice to get into the converter. Exit
Press outer of two spring retainers (2)
oil from the converter goes to a bypass valve located in
inward to compress springs (1) and turn it 90 degrees to
the converter oil, out line. This bypass valve directs the
free retainer and spring from spring rod (3). Remove
oil to the sump in case of a clogged oil cooler or clogged
items 1, 2 and 3 from assembly.
cooler lines and provides a safety feature against
Spread brake shoes (6) apart at top,
extreme internal converter pressures caused by
enough to permit them to be removed from packing plate
accidental restrictions. Oil from the cooler is directed to
(17) with springs still attached. Remove brake shoes
the lubrication circuit which maintains a flow of cooled oil
and springs (4 and 5). Lever (7) will be freed at the
under pressure to the clutch plates and bearings in the
same time.
Remove two brake push rods (8), dust
4-51. WHEEL BRAKES (see figure 4-6). The wheels of
boots (11), pistons (12), cups (13), and spring (14) at
the drive axle are fitted with a set of drum-and-shoe type
each brake. Remove two screws and washers (9 and
brakes. The design and principles of operation of these
10) and take wheel cylinder (15) and spacer (16) from
brakes are simple, and generally similar to the most
backing plate (17). Remove and discard felt seal (18).
commonly used automotive hydraulic brakes. The brake
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
assembly at each wheel consists of the following
Wipe the brake shoes with a clean dry
principal parts:
cloth. Clean all other parts with dry cleaning solvent
1. Backing plate (7) on which the nonrotating parts of
(Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
the brake mechanism are mounted. The backing plate is
Inspect brake lining for graze, grease or oil
anchored to the reduction gear housing, and cannot
soaked condition, and wear. Inspect wheel cylinder bore
for rust pits or scoring. Replace cylinders which can not
2. Two lined brake shoes (16) mounted on the
be reconditioned with light honing. Inspect rubber cups
backing plate. The shoes are anchored at one end so
and boots for cracks or deterioration. Replace brake
they can pivot slightly on the anchor point, and are
shoes if lining is glazed, grease or oil soaked, or if lining
separated at the other end by a hydraulic cylinder (15)
thickness is less than 1/8 inch. Replace defective wheel
which spreads them in operation, to press them against
cylinder cups and boots if cylinder can be honed
the brake drum (4).
effectively. If wheel cylinder is badly pitted, replace
3. A hydraulic cylinder (15) (called the wheel cylinder
cylinder assembly.
to distinguish it from the pedal actuated master cylinder)
c. Repair. Repairs consist of replacement of the
is fastened to the backing plate.
brake shoes in matched sets on both wheels and rebuild
or replacement of the wheel cylinder. Rebuild kits are
available to replace the internal parts of the wheel
Block up front of truck so weight is taken
cylinder. Brake shoes are always replaced in full sets to
from front wheels.
maintain equal braking.
Drain oil from power axle.
Disconnect brake hoses (2 and 3, fig. 6-6 )
from elbows (4).
Disconnect parking brake linkage at
parking brake lever(2, fig. 4-6.1).
Remove cotter pin (3) and nut (4) and
remove parking brake lever (2) from brake lever and pin
assembly (45).
Remove screws (22) and washers (23)
and separate sections of final drive gear case (47) from
axle housing (61).
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